5 Habits That Lead To Flatulence

In the morning the stomach is often still flat, but during the day the stomach inflates so much that the clothes are uncomfortably tight.

5 habits that lead to gas

Fat deposits are not always responsible for the unsightly tummy. Many women suffer from flatulence that makes them seem thicker than they actually are.

In the morning the stomach is often still flat, but during the day the stomach inflates so much that the clothes are uncomfortably tight. In this post, you can learn more about possible causes.

Bad eating habits or the consumption of certain (intolerable) foods can cause air to accumulate in the digestive tract. To avoid the annoying gas , it is important to change bad habits.

Food intolerance

Food intolerances should definitely be taken into account. They can lead not only to gas, but also to other health problems.

Anyone can be affected. A gluten intolerance can lead to digestive problems and flatulence, for example. Lactose intolerance can also cause similar symptoms.

What is the solution? The doctor will test you out, if an intolerance is really to blame for the symptoms, your diet will have to be changed.

Processed foods


Processed foods and ready meals contain a lot of sodium and other substances that are far from healthy. Sodium is one of the main causes of fluid retention in the body, which can lead to gas and bloating.

Even foods that are sold as “healthy” or “light” products can contain sodium and other ingredients, but mostly in smaller amounts.

What is the solution? Natural, home-cooked dishes. Lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains that contain little or no sodium.

Eating too quickly causes gas

If you want to avoid flatulence, make sure to eat slowly and chew the food well.  When the food is eaten quickly, air is often swallowed, which can also lead to flatulence.

What is the solution? Take enough time to eat and chew the food slowly and well to improve digestion and prevent air from building up in your stomach.

Too much carbonated drinks

carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks can quench thirst for a short time and also taste very refreshing. However, they do not provide nutrients and contain substances that can lead to indigestion and bloating.

The carbonic acid is responsible for instant flatulence. The artificial sweeteners also promote this.

What is the solution? Drink water and natural fruit juices instead of carbonated soft drinks.

Eat before bed

Eating something just before bed is a mistake. Dinner should be eaten at least two to three hours before the rest of the night, and it should be easy and easily digestible.

Those who eat too late or too abundantly often suffer from heaviness and flatulence. This is a bad habit that affects digestive function and can lead to constipation.

What is the solution? Have dinner about 3 hours before bedtime, eating light meals. The most important meal of the day is breakfast! In order to promote digestion, you should therefore have an extensive breakfast and only have a light dinner.

Do not forget…

If you value a flatter stomach, it is advisable to change various habits if necessary. In addition, you should pay attention to a healthy diet and sufficient exercise. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water!

Not only can you prevent flatulence, your figure and general health will also benefit from it.

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