Causes Of Tingling In Hands And Legs

The tingling is usually due to circulatory disorders. But there can also be more serious problems behind it.

Causes of tingling in the hands and legs

Tingling in the hands and legs is an uncomfortable, unsettling feeling, especially when the cause is not clear. Although the tingling sensation can arise in different parts of the body, it is most common in the extremities.

If the tingling occurs very frequently and without cause, this is an important indicator of a possible illness that should definitely be examined by a doctor. 

Tingling sensations can indicate a mild infection, but it can also be more serious. This should definitely be clarified by a doctor. 

In the following we list various diseases in which a tingling sensation can often be felt in the hands and legs.


For example, hypesthesia may be responsible for the tingling sensation. This also leads to a reduction in pressure and touch sensitivity.

If you experience these symptoms, be sure to get a medical exam, as this can be a protracted illness.

Circulatory disorder


Circulatory disorders can temporarily lead to tingling sensations. This symptom can also occur with exhaustion and great nerve strain. 

If the tingling sensation increases and happens all the time, it may be an indication of a more serious problem. You should then definitely go to the doctor.

Buerger syndrome

This syndrome (also called Winiwarter-Buerger’s disease or endangiitis obliterans) is usually caused by heavy tobacco consumption, whereby initially it usually comes to pain from circulatory disorders.

Usually a feeling of coldness with pain at rest and a tingling sensation can be felt in the extremities. There is also a feeling of numbness in the hands as well as the tips of the fingers and toes (these often fall asleep).

This is a serious problem that can lead to gangrene if not treated properly.



Diabetes is a common disease. A tingling sensation in the feet and legs is very typical for this disease, as it leads to circulatory disorders. 

This symptom can lead to ulcers, which definitely need to be treated to prevent gangrene.

multiple sclerosis

The tingling sensation and falling asleep in the hands and legs are among the first signs that appear in multiple sclerosis. There may also be increased sensitivity and burning sensation. These are the consequences of impaired blood circulation and disorders of the nervous system.

Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy

This disease is very rare. There are problems with the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles.

The tingling sensation is one of the symptoms of this disease, it usually occurs on the feet and legs , but over time it can also be felt on the arms and hands.

Restless legs synrome


In this syndrome, the tingling sensation often occurs at night. There may also be  pain, itching, cramps, and insomnia. 

Restless legs syndrome can be associated with anemia, renal insufficiency, or peripheral neuropathies, among other things. However, the exact causes have not yet been sufficiently researched.

Other causes of tingling in the hands and legs

  • Lingering in the same position for a long time
  • Nerve injury
  • Pressure on the spinal nerves (for example, from a herniated disc)
  • Disturbances in the calcium, potassium or sodium balance
  • Vitamin deficiency (especially vitamin B12)
  • Alcohol and / or tobacco consumption (lead can cause nerve damage)
  • Bite wounds caused by animals
  • Insect bites (e.g. ticks, mites, or spiders)
  • Different drugs

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