9 Nerve-calming Medicinal Plants

Nerve-calming medicinal plants such as lemon balm act against stress, anxiety or insomnia. 

9 nerve-soothing medicinal plants

Worries, problems, obligations, stress and hectic everyday life … great stress can lead to nervousness or fear. It is therefore important to do something about it in good time. Today we introduce you to  nerve-calming medicinal plants  that can help you with this.

Read on to learn more about it.

Nerve-calming medicinal plants

Nervousness and fear are detrimental to our health in the long term. Stress at work, the fear of being laid off, the upcoming wedding, the first date, a difficult exam, the start of self-employment … there are countless reasons for nervous reactions.

Therefore, today we recommend various nerve-calming medicinal plants that  are very effective.

Passion flower

It has a direct effect on the central nervous system and relaxes the muscles at the same time. This herb helps with nerve-related pain, including cervical pain (caused by poor posture).

In addition, the passion flower is recommended for headaches and menstrual cramps. You can buy a tincture from a pharmacy or health food store. You can take this in water, tea or freshly squeezed orange juice.


In traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng is used to balance yin and yang. Ginseng does not lead to nervousness or agitation, as is generally assumed, on the contrary: This root has a stimulating effect on depression, chronic fatigue and sadness.

Patients suffering from stress or anxiety can benefit from the calming effects of this plant. It is advisable to take ginseng in the form of a tincture (extract preserved with alcohol or water): Simply add a few drops to a glass of water, natural juice or tea.


This herb has various health benefits. It has a relaxing effect and therefore helps with problems, stress, irritated nerves, anxiety and insomnia.

You can also benefit from the digestive properties: Lemongrass is particularly helpful for flatulence and colic.

The fresh leaves can be used to season various dishes. They also taste excellent in soft drinks and juices.

Make a tea from dried leaves. In combination with other medicinal plants such as valerian, chamomile or mint, it works excellently.

Johannis herbs

St. John’s wort contains valuable active ingredients, including, for example, flavonoids. Most important, however, is the substance hypericin, which prevents the effects of dopamine and thus ensures a better mood.

The production of adrenaline is also reduced by this active ingredient. This is why St. John’s wort helps with anxiety, nervousness and depression.

The essential oil (mixed with almond or olive oil) is perfect for a gentle massage! However, you can also use St. John’s wort in aromatherapy: Simply warm a few drops in a fragrance lamp.

In addition, tea with St. John’s wort is very effective. However, don’t drink more than three cups a day.


Valerian is one of the most effective medicinal herbs for treating nerve problems and anxiety.

The flowers are used to reduce stress as they have a calming effect. Valerian also promotes sleep and nighttime recovery. It also relieves menstrual cramps.

You can make an infusion from a handful of dried valerian root per liter of boiling water. Drink up to 3 cups a day.

Mountain valerian


Few people know about the calming powers of this plant, which is particularly popular as a spice for a wide variety of dishes.

This medicinal herb also has a digestive effect. That is why we recommend a cup of basil tea after eating. Basil has calming and relaxing properties, stimulates the stomach and also the appetite!

Linden tree

This plant is also excellent for fear, nervousness or stress. Linden blossom tea promotes sleep and relaxation.

If you don’t really like the taste of chamomile, valerian, or verbena, you can mix these medicinal herbs with linden flowers.


Hawthorn is characterized by numerous health-promoting properties. This herb improves and stabilizes the cardiovascular system, among other things. Because  hawthorn reduces blood pressure and promotes blood circulation.

Hawthorn also has a calming effect on the sympathetic nervous system and therefore helps with mild nervousness and anxiety. You can take a hawthorn tincture diluted in water, tea, or juice.

Lemon balm

Melissa and other nerve-calming medicinal plants

Lemon balm is also called bee balm in Greek, as this plant attracts many bees with its pollen. It has a calming effect and should therefore not be missing from our list. 

Nerve-calming medicinal plants such as lemon balm work against stress, anxiety or insomnia. In addition, this herb has antispasmodic effects. That is why it is very popular even after exercise or physical exertion.

But that’s not all:  the refreshing lemon balm also helps with stomach cramps! 

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