9 Natural Remedies For The Supportive Treatment Of Colon Cancer

Do not forget that these remedies only support medical treatment for colon cancer and are never a substitute for it. However, they serve to strengthen your defenses.

9 natural remedies for the supportive treatment of colon cancer

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the world. If this is recognized too late, it is usually fatal.

The consequences of the spread of the malignant tumor cells in the intestine can be severe, so it is important to recognize the first symptoms.

A colonoscopy can make a diagnosis. If this is done in the initial phase, the necessary treatment will be initiated by the doctor.

In addition, various natural remedies can help alleviate symptoms and promote the healing process.

1. Ginseng in Colon Cancer Treatment


Ginseng tea is recommended for the relief of a wide variety of diseases, and it can also be very helpful in the case of colon cancer.

The high concentration of antioxidants helps in the fight against malignant cancer cells.

2. Green tea

Green tea contains important catechins, including epicatechin. These are useful to

  • to counteract free radicals,
  • to prevent cancer cells from multiplying as well
  • generally already have a preventive effect against cancer.

For these reasons, green tea is a great alternative to replace coffee. You can then have as many cups of green tea a day as you want.

3. Movement

Sport is fundamental for general health, and you shouldn’t forget about it if you have colon cancer!

This stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, detoxifies the  body better and stimulates the immune system. 

It also reduces the risk of diabetes or obesity.

4. Garlic

Raw garlic and garlic extract are also important in cancer prevention and treatment. 

Garlic is often used as a supplement in cancer treatments to inhibit the spread of cancer cells and to prevent damage to healthy cells.

5. Linseed oil

Flaxseed oil

You can marinate salads with linseed oil to benefit from its excellent properties.

This vegetable oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are important in preventing cancer. This can also reduce symptoms and complaints that increase the susceptibility to colon cancer. These include obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, for example.

6. blueberries

This small fruit is rich in antioxidants (catechin, quercetin, flavonoids, phenols, etc.) and therefore protects against malignant cells. It also strengthens the immune system.

A handful of blueberries a day will help reduce free radicals and the risk of cell mutations.

7. Give up tobacco

Everyone knows by now that smoking is harmful to health and greatly increases the risk of cancer. Colon cancer can also be a result.

Smoking polyps in the intestines grow faster. It also increases the likelihood of developing malignancies.

Quitting smoking can help you avoid many cancer-causing substances and improve your general health.

8. Olive oil

Olive oil is one of the most popular types of oil worldwide. It not only tastes wonderful, but also has health-promoting properties:

  • It helps preventive as well as supportive in the treatment against cancer,
  • promotes enzyme production in the intestine,
  • improves the absorption of nutrients.

Using olive oil regularly can help treat colon cancer during the first few stages.

9. Spinach

mixed drink

Spinach has a high concentration of nutrients and fiber  and is therefore also recommended as a support against colon cancer.

Constipation or enlarged hemorrhoids increase the risk of colon cancer. In order to prevent these songs, fiber is very important, which then stimulates the bowel movement.

So don’t forget to include spinach and other leafy vegetables in your diet!

Prevention against colon cancer

You can easily incorporate these natural remedies into your diet to help prevent colon cancer.

Of course, this can NEVER replace medical treatment. Trust your doctor and then follow their instructions!

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