9 Harmful Foods You Should Avoid

According to food experts, there are many foods that should be avoided as they can cause food poisoning. We have compiled a list of harmful products and possible substitutes.

9 harmful foods to avoid

Sometimes certain foods that we think are healthy are much more harmful than we think. Here are 9 unhealthy foods that experts say you should avoid. We also explain why you should avoid them.

Ideally, you shouldn’t eat foods that are harmful to health . However, if this is not possible, then at least try to find healthier alternatives.

Research has shown that many “healthy” foods have hidden risks that we would never have thought of.

1. Raw oysters

Raw oysters can be a health hazard

According to food safety experts , no one should eat raw seafood. This is due to the rising sea temperatures, which make seafood an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

How to Eat Them:

You should always eat cooked oysters!  A good option to preserve their flavor is to bake them in the oven and then eat them with a spicy sauce. You will see that they are just as delicious.

2. Freshly squeezed juice bought from a stall

Freshly squeezed juice from the juice stand is not always healthy

Most people think that fresh juice is incredibly healthy. But the opposite can be the case with freshly squeezed juice. Especially if it is bought at a juice stand, as it can be contaminated with viruses, bacteria and parasites there.

And that means? The risks outweigh the benefits, so you should choose a healthy alternative.

Substitute for the harmful food:

  • Make your own juice. If juice is your thing and you’re on the go, go for the pasteurized variety. When it comes to vitamins, it’s best to eat the fruit itself.

3. Meat that is not cooked through properly

Bloody meat is popular with many people. However, in order to kill E. coli and salmonella, the internal temperature of the meat must be at least 71 ° C.

Substitute for the harmful food:

  • Meat that is well done.

4. Sprouts

Sprouts can be dangerous to health

E. coli and salmonella are more common than you think. Because healthy germinated grain does not require chemicals.

Substitute for the harmful food:

  • Therefore, resort to germinated wheat kernels or alfalfa sprouts, which are grown naturally or with raw seeds. However, you can also choose between flaxseed, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds as they are just as beneficial.

5. Raw milk

Raw milk can contain bacteria

The conditions under which raw milk is produced are not exactly sterile. There is also a high risk of bacterial and viral contamination. The only way to kill pathogens is to boil the milk.

Substitute for the harmful food:

  • Boil the milk before use or use pasteurized milk.

    6. Boiled freshwater fish

    Freshwater fish can be dangerous to your health

    Even if you are cooking freshwater fish, consuming the food is not highly recommended. Researchers in Spain found that cooking freshwater fish neutralized only 18% of their dangerous cyanotoxins

    However, the rest of the harmful substances remain in the fish, along with a high concentration of toxins in the shell.

    Substitute for the harmful food:

    • Because of this, it is better to steam fish. In this way, this cooking method neutralizes 26% of your cyanotoxins.

      7. Cold cuts

      Sausages contain carcinogenic nitrates

      Unfortunately, expensive and high-quality cold cuts also contain carcinogenic nitrates. Two pounds of cold cuts contain 400% more salt and 50% more fat than a serving of raw beef.

      Substitute for the harmful food:

      • Homemade, cured meat would be just as good or even better.

      8. Packaged ready meals with two or more ingredients

      Pre-packaged food is not good for your health

      To preserve these products, food manufacturers use butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Ingesting these in high doses can lead to the development of hormonal imbalances. At the same time, a large amount of BHA can lead to cancer.

      Substitute for the harmful food:

      • Use homemade canned food. Alternatively, you can of course prepare your meals yourself every day.

      9. Pre-washed fruits and vegetables

      Pre-washed fruits and vegetables are passed through many hands

      Pre-washed and cut fruits and vegetables have changed hands several times. Therefore, please note: the more people touch your food, the higher the chance that they will pass on germs.

      Substitute for the harmful food:

      • Buy your fruit at the market, wash it well afterwards, and then make your fruit salad at home.

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