8 Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking

Smoking causes skin aging and wrinkles, weakens bones and causes various types of cancer.

8 reasons why you should quit smoking

Although the harmful effects of smoking have been pointed out for years, this vice is still very widespread. Here we give you reasons why you should quit smoking.

Nicotine is addictive and often causes incurable diseases. World Health Organization (WHO) statistics show that there are more than 100 million nicotine addicts worldwide .

Every year 4 million die from the consequences of cigarette consumption.

Cigarettes contain more than 19 chemical substances, and everyone knows by now that they pose a threat to health and quality of life. But quitting smoking requires strong willpower and perseverance.

It’s not easy, but it’s worth it to reduce the health risks. Therefore, today we would like to list 8 reasons why you should stop smoking immediately.

Smoking causes memory problems

Memory problems

In June, a study by the Archives of Internal Medicine found that middle-aged smokers were at increased risk of future memory problems. In addition, the ability to think logically is reduced in smokers.

People who stopped smoking in time were able to reduce this risk significantly.

Cigarette consumption can trigger diabetes

In June, the American Medical Association published a data analysis of 25 studies that found that smokers are up to 44% more likely to develop type II diabetes.

The risk is even higher with more than 20 cigarettes a day. In  12% of patients with type II diabetes, smoking is the cause.

Cigarettes cause inflammation

Smoking can damage the lining of the airways, making smokers more susceptible to inflammation.

The immune system is weakened. It is more difficult for our bodies to fight the attack of bacteria and viruses.

Not only smokers suffer from a weakened immune system,  the defenses of passive smokers are also severely impaired.

Smoking causes premature aging

Premature aging

Smoking nourishes free radicals in the body that  are responsible for the premature aging of internal organs as well as the skin.

With more than 10 cigarettes a day, the likelihood of premature wrinkling increases by 60%.

Cigarette consumption causes premature menopause

Women are at increased risk for infertility.  In addition, there is a hormone imbalance that often causes premature menopause.

The chemicals in cigarettes damage the ovarian cells and also increase the risk of cancer.

Premature menopause can pose a risk to women’s health as it could also cause chronic diseases.

Eyesight is impaired by smoking

A macular degeneration may have a connection with nicotine. This condition causes constant blurred vision and can then cause blindness in chronic illnesses.

Smokers are two to three times more likely to suffer from eye diseases in the medium and long term.

Cigarettes cause bone pain


Smokers are more likely to develop osteoporosis because bone density is reduced and fractures can be increased as a result.

Bones and tissues heal more slowly in smokers than in non-smokers.

Smoking means risk of cancer

Smoking is the  leading cause of lung cancer as well as other cancers of the respiratory tract.

Millions of people around the world suffer from tobacco-related cancers. Often it is also passive smokers who had to endure the smoke of their life partner and parents etc. for years.

Smoking can also cause the following cancers:

  • Stomach cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • cervical cancer

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