8 Initial Symptoms Of Diabetes

If you observe these symptoms in yourself, you should consult a doctor in order to detect and treat diabetes early if necessary. 

8 initial symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease that is characterized by permanently high blood sugar levels. Glucose is a vital source of energy for cells. But too much of it can create serious health problems. Today we will tell you about various  symptoms of diabetes that  occur in the early stages.

There are basically two chronic types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2.  In addition, this metabolic disease can also occur temporarily during pregnancy.

Early diagnosis is essential to initiate successful treatment. The following  symptoms of diabetes  will help you recognize this condition in good time.

What causes can trigger diabetes?

Woman has symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes occurs when the organism does not produce enough insulin; or if the insulin cannot be used properly. Insulin is made in the pancreas. And it is mainly responsible for reducing blood sugar levels.

  • The exact cause of type 1 diabetes has not yet been clarified. It is an autoimmune disease. The insolin-producing cells in the pancreas are attacked by the organism itself.
  • Prediabetes (a precursor to diabetes) and type 2 diabetes result from insulin resistance. This means that tissue structures (muscles, liver and adipose tissue) have a reduced sensitivity to insulin. The insulin loses its effectiveness, the pancreas produces more and more and over time it fails due to the high stress.
  • Hormone fluctuations during pregnancy can also lead to insulin resistance. When the pancreas does not make enough insulin, glucose builds up in the blood. Gestational diabetes often only occurs during pregnancy. However, this condition can cause serious problems for both mother and child.

Initial symptoms of diabetes

Many of the initial symptoms of diabetes can be confused with other diseases. It is therefore essential to have a medical diagnosis made in order to clarify the causes of the symptoms. 

1. Excessive thirst

Symptoms of Diabetes: Woman is very thirsty

If the glucose cannot be used properly, it accumulates in the blood, which can lead to dehydration of the body. This changes the formation of saliva and leads to great thirst. 

2. Increased need to urinate

Patients with diabetes feel more likely to urinate. This is because the kidneys are increasingly stressed to filter the excess sugar out of the blood. The increased blood sugar levels reduce the ability to filter out pollutants. This in turn has a negative effect on the urinary system.

3. Insomnia

If the high blood sugar level is not properly controlled, sleep disturbances can also occur.

Type 2 diabetes is very often accompanied by insomnia or interruptions to night rest. 

4. Slow wound healing

Symptoms of diabetes: poor wound healing

Poor wound healing or skin ulcers can also be signs of diabetes.

5. Urinary tract infection

When the organism loses the ability to properly evaluate the glucose in the blood  , the immune system is weakened. The kidneys also suffer from it and are more prone to infection.

6. Problems with the feet

Diabetics need to pay special attention to their feet. Circulatory problems, fluid retention, and other signs that require treatment are common.

7. Blurred vision

Symptoms of diabetes: fatigue

The dehydration of the body from high blood sugar levels  can also lead to impaired vision. Often blood vessels are damaged and vision is blurred.

8. Dry skin

Another sign of possible diabetes is dry skin. Circulatory disorders also make themselves visible on the skin,  it loses its firmness and becomes drier.

How is Diabetes Diagnosed?

Analyze symptoms of diabetes

If prediabetes or diabetes is suspected, you should definitely get a doctor’s diagnosis. If the disease is confirmed, this will help you start the right treatment  to prevent serious complications.

The doctor may do the following tests to help make a diagnosis:

  • Glucohemoglobin sample (A1C). This is used to determine the average blood sugar level for the past two to three months.
  • Occasional blood sugar
  • Fasting blood sugar
  • oral glucose tolerance test

As soon as the diagnosis of diabetes is established,  the patient has to change his or her lifestyle. In addition to medical treatment, proper nutrition is particularly important.

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