7 Tips For Cleaning Difficult Surfaces. It Has Never Been So Easy!

Did you know that talc can help you remove grease stains from upholstery? It only has to act for 30 minutes and the dirt disappears

7 tips for cleaning difficult surfaces.  It has never been so easy!

Keeping the hygiene in the house at the standard we want is sometimes no easy task. If you only knew about one or the other home remedy with which even more stubborn dirt can be removed more easily. Here we give you tips  for cleaning your house.

A large number of products for cleaning all surfaces and removing all dirt are available on the market today, which certainly make our lives easier.

Unfortunately, many of these products are quite expensive and may also be too aggressive to clean sensitive surfaces . The chemical ingredients in these household products are harmful to our health and the environment.

A movement for more ecological cleaning of the household has been gaining momentum from this for a long time . Here, natural products preferred that are as easy to use and effective.

We are therefore giving you 7 household tips that will make cleaning even difficult surfaces child’s play for you in the future. Don’t miss it!

Clean kitchen utensils

Dirty pan

Pots, pans and other metal kitchen utensils tend to soot and oxidize over time and with constant use .

In order to be able to continue using them with a clear conscience and not have to replace them, prepare a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and use a kitchen sponge to clean the dirty objects. You will be amazed how well it works!

Clean the washing machine

Even if the washing machine is there to clean the laundry, over time it collects a lot of dirt inside.

This can ultimately even lead to the washing machine no longer working properly and cleaning the laundry not bringing the desired result.

To prevent this from becoming a chronic problem, regularly add a little baking soda and vinegar to the normal wash cycle.

Remove grease stains

Grease stains

Grease adheres particularly stubbornly to almost all surfaces and it takes a good recipe to remove it successfully.

To remove such stains from clothing, mix some baking soda and lemon juice and brush over the stain.

If the grease stains are in the upholstery of furniture, first try to soak up most of the grease with a piece of kitchen roll. Then spread the talc or starch on the stain and let it sit for half an hour. Then vacuum it off.

Clean the frames of windows and doors

This is where a lot of dust, dirt, animal hair and everything else that is in the air in the household collects .

If window and door frames are now left outside when cleaning the home, the soiling provokes respiratory problems and exacerbates allergies. Besides, they don’t look very nice.

To get rid of them without stirring them up, mix some baking soda and vinegar, dip a cloth in the mixture, and use it to clean the frames of windows and doors.

Ink stains on wood


To remove ink stains from wooden surfaces like floors, furniture, and doors, there is no better tool than toothpaste.

All you have to do is rub a little toothpaste on the stains, let it sit for 30 minutes, and then remove it with a brush or damp sponge.

Cleaning the microwave

The microwave should be cleaned regularly, because food scraps can quickly collect in it and grease sticks to it. These can be harmful to health.

To keep them sparkling clean, place a microwave-safe container in the microwave and add two glasses of water and a tablespoon of vinegar.

Heat the mixture for three to four minutes so that some of the water evaporates. Wait another ten minutes before opening the microwave. The vinegar water can act on the walls and ceiling of the microwave, and it also reaches the corners more easily than your hand.

Then carefully take the remaining water out of the microwave and clean it with a sponge on which you add a little baking soda.

Finally, remove any remnants of your cleaning agent with a clean, damp cloth.

Disinfect the work surface in the kitchen


This is a surface that has to be cleaned every day and should be disinfected. With all the scraps of food and grease stains, there is hardly a better place for bacteria to multiply.

They pose a risk to human health and attract other vermin.

To easily remove dirt from the worktop and at the same time do something against the microorganisms, mix some water with vinegar and lemon juice and apply this mixture to a damp cloth to clean the entire worktop.

If the dirt sticks and is difficult to remove, you can make a paste of baking soda and lemon juice that you put on a sponge to thoroughly clean the surface.

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