7 Signs Of Bladder Cancer

While many of these signs can indicate other illnesses, you should definitely get a medical exam to find out the causes.

7 signs of bladder cancer

The urinary bladder is the kidney’s sister organ, which expands due to the urine produced in the kidneys or shrinks after emptying. The signs of bladder cancer  are usually barely noticeable at first and are therefore often only recognized late.

Most often, bladder cancer forms from the urothelium. It is the multilayered covering tissue of the lower urinary tract, from which malignant tumor cells can spread very quickly to other areas.

It is therefore essential to identify the  signs of bladder cancer  early in order to initiate successful treatment.

Unhealthy habits like tobacco use or environmental toxins can increase your risk for this disease.

In today’s article, you will find 7 signs of bladder cancer that you should get to the bottom of if they are noticeable.

1. Blood in the urine – a sign of bladder cancer

Blood in the urine - a sign of bladder cancer

Blood in the urine is one of the most noticeable signs of bladder cancer. Regardless of how often and in what amounts you find blood in your urine, you should definitely see a doctor.

  • If you have blood in your urine,  it usually turns slightly pink or, in rare cases, even reddish.
  • Often the color of the urine does not change, but a closer medical examination can reveal small amounts of blood in the urine values.
  • This symptom can appear regularly or sporadically over several weeks.
  • If it is not a sign of bladder cancer, this symptom will likely go away after a while.

    2. Changes in urination

    Changes in urinary habits often indicate a urinary tract infection, but could also be a sign of bladder cancer. The following symptoms can become noticeable:

    • Constant need to urinate, even when the bladder is empty.
    • Nocturnal urge to urinate,
    • the flow of urine is weaker than usual or
    • there is pain when urinating.

    3. Pain on one side of the back

    Back pain a sign of bladder cancer

    Urinary tract infections, urinary stones, or cancer  often cause pain on one side of the back,  in the lumbar region.

    Initially, this pain can be mistaken for ordinary muscle pain, but if it happens frequently it could be a sign of bladder cancer or some other bladder disease.

    You should definitely see a doctor for clarification.

    4. Loss of appetite

    Loss of appetite can have various causes, although bladder cancer cannot be ruled out.

    Bladder cancer often leads to a  feeling of heaviness in the stomach and, as a result, to poor appetite.

    5. Weight Loss

    Weight loss a sign of bladder cancer

    An inexplicable weight loss could also be a sign of bladder cancer,  because the high exposure to the tumor and the lack of appetite could lead to it.

    Bladder cancer creates a nutrient deficit in the body, which means that the body’s defenses decrease and pathogens can spread faster.

    6. Inflammation

    The cancer cells, which attack the organism and cause inflammation, also lead to fluid retention.

    Since the bladder can no longer completely drain the body’s fluids, fluids can accumulate in the tissue, especially in the abdomen and legs, and cause inflammation.

    7 fatigue and low blood pressure

    Fatigue is a sign of bladder cancer

    Another sign of bladder cancer is fatigue. Malnutrition lowers blood pressure, which often causes tiredness and a feeling of weakness.

    A lack of nutrients means that fewer red blood cells are produced,  the oxygen levels in the blood are reduced  and mental and physical fatigue occurs.

    Although all of the symptoms mentioned can vary in frequency and severity, you should be careful and definitely consult a doctor to remove any doubts.

    As with most diseases, early diagnosis is essential for successful treatment of bladder cancer.

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