7 Natural Tips To Stimulate A Weak Thyroid

Anyone who suffers from a weakened thyroid but does not have hypothyroidism should naturally stimulate the thyroid, for example through the right diet, in order to avoid future problems.

7 natural tips to stimulate a weak thyroid

Many people will not be diagnosed with hypothyroidism, but their thyroid will still be weak. This can lead to various health problems, such as nervousness, tiredness or snoring. What can you do to stimulate a  weak thyroid ?

In today’s post, you’ll find 7 tips for stimulating a  weak thyroid . Of course, you should always consult your doctor beforehand and never stop taking medication yourself.

Do you have a weak thyroid?

If you don’t have analytics about the condition of your thyroid, you should know  the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism or a weak thyroid:

  • Weight changes as well as problems with losing weight,
  • dry skin and brittle hair and nails,
  • Mood swings,
  • Fatigue,
  • Snoring,
  • Nervousness and fear,
  • Constipation,
  • continuous feeling of cold.

There is one very characteristic sign of weakened thyroid function and that is  the lack of hair on the outer end of the eyebrows.

If you have more than one of these symptoms, this could indicate an impaired thyroid function. You should then definitely get clarity through a medical diagnosis.

The following tips can help stimulate thyroid function.

1. Remineralization with algae to stimulate a weak thyroid


The main nutrient for stimulating the thyroid is iodine. This can be found naturally and without the risk of overdosing in algae.

The best variety is kelp seaweed (also called kombu),  which is great for stews and dishes with legumes.

These algae are cooked for at least 20 minutes because they are relatively hard.
There are also food supplements with fucus algae. However, we do not recommend taking these without medical supervision.

2. Medium intensity exercises

People with a weak thyroid function quickly feel tired and feel the cold more intensely because the basal metabolic rate works too slowly.

In order to stimulate the organism in general, moderate intensity exercises are recommended two to three times a week 

Exercises that are too gentle will not lead to the desired results, so we recommend short but intense exercise in which you sweat and have to breathe deeply.

3. Shower with cold water


The thyroid gland (and the organism in general) can also be naturally stimulated with cold water;  this method is then particularly recommended for people who are frozen. 

Change the water temperature slowly. At the beginning you set the water temperature you are used to, but then at the end you shower yourself for a few seconds with cold water. Start at the feet and then bring the cold water upwards.

You can also alternate between cold and warm water.

4. Natural foods instead of ready-made meals

The most damaging things for the thyroid include ready-made meals and processed foods. These are made with poor quality ingredients and contain many additives.

It is therefore best to opt for  natural, organically grown foods that you can eat raw or prepare yourself at home.

In addition, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, salads, sprouts, seeds, dried fruits, legumes, etc. are recommended.

5. Avoid environmental pollutants as much as possible

Pollutants weaken the immune system and also the thyroid.

These are not only found in food, but also, for example, in hygiene products and cosmetics, electromagnetic radiation from technological devices, tobacco, polluted water and polluted air.

Try to make your life as natural as possible. Choose natural products and then spend as much time as possible in the great outdoors.

6. Discover hot spices


Hot spices can also be beneficial, especially ginger and cayenne pepper.

Start with small amounts in stews or teas to help the stomach get used to. Over time, you can slowly increase this.

These spices help activate the thyroid gland, lose weight, and keep the body warm.

7. Watch your throat

The thyroid is located in the throat, below the larynx, and on an emotional level, this hormonal gland is associated with the ability to express feelings. 

To regulate the thyroid, you can practice relaxation exercises and meditation using the vowel ā€œeā€ associated with the throat chakra. Imagine a circle of light in the throat that moves counterclockwise.

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