7 Morning Rituals Against Cellulite

Applying an appropriate cream is not enough to fight cellulite. Adjusting our diet and lifestyle is essential if we are to get rid of unsightly orange peel

7 morning rituals against cellulite

Today we would like to share with you seven rituals against cellulite that may help you in the fight against this unwanted skin condition.

Have you been fighting against unaesthetic cellulite for a long time, but still haven’t found a way back to healthy skin? Then we are certainly not telling you anything new when we say that it takes a lot of effort and consistency to get rid of orange peel.

We, too, can only partially take away the horror of this challenge. It won’t be easy to cover up any trace of cellulite . But if you adjust your daily routine accordingly, then you can do it.

In this article, we introduce a number of morning  cellulite rituals that can help you with this. These should be implemented over a longer period of time. You can’t get rid of cellulite overnight. We estimate that it will take you a month or two.

Morning rituals against cellulite

1. Lemon water after getting up

Lemon water for cellulite

This is one of the simplest rituals against cellulite, but it still has great health benefits. Simply squeeze out a lemon and pour its juice into a glass of lukewarm or warm water. Drink it on an empty stomach.

Please only use organically grown lemons and mineral water to avoid absorbing toxins with the lemon water.

This recipe will not only help you in the fight against cellulite. Lemon water is said to also promote the elimination of metabolic waste products and toxins that you ingest with food.

Many people swear by lemon water and claim it is a real cure. From the hydrating effect to cellulite, detoxification and restful sleep, it has numerous effects.

2. Make cellulite exercises a part of your daily routine

It may not be easy for you to establish a morning routine that includes exercises for cellulite.

But once you get used to it, you will hardly be able to imagine your start to the day any other way.

In order to combat cellulite through physical activity, you need to build up muscles. In this way, the attached fat is used up and the skin, which looks so unattractive at the moment, can possibly be brought back into shape.

It is important that you are clear about what to do and how. The best exercises are:

  • Stretching exercises
  • Strengthening the straight abdominal muscles
  • Strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles
  • Go up and down stairs

It will take you about a month to see results. So be patient with yourself. Depending on how fit the muscles of the stomach, buttocks and thighs are, the body has a lot of work to build up there.

The most important thing is to keep motivation. Nor should you stop exercising when you have achieved the results you want.

3. Brush your skin before taking a bath

Brushing against cellulite

The dry brushing your skin should also be a part of your routine. All you need is a brush made from natural bristles. Using other bristles could damage your skin and would not do it any good.

Brush your entire body from top to bottom. This supposedly not only helps against cellulite, but also stimulates blood circulation and metabolism in general.

Brushing alone is a very effective measure. In order to possibly achieve even better results faster, treat yourself to a detox program once a month.

4. Apply an anti-cellulite cream

And yes, even if the cream is not effective on its own, it should be part of your comprehensive anti-cellulite regimen.

After brushing your skin and showering or bathing, removing dirt and dead cells from your skin, apply an anti-cellulite cream to the appropriate areas of your skin.

Many women believe that such creams don’t work because they don’t see results.

Well, as we mentioned before, any anti-cellulite measure is long-term and using a cream alone will make you wait a long time for results.

If you combine exercise, brush and cream with each other,  your options look better.

The best creams for cellulite are those that are high in antioxidants. Many are made from caffeine, but you can use other types if you like them more.

The cream is best applied in gentle, circular massages. This is how you loosen the love handles.

5. Breakfast against cellulite

Breakfast against cellulite

All of the morning rituals to fight cellulite mentioned so far will have little effect if you don’t eat a healthy diet. It’s best to start the day with a healthy meal right away.

Many people recommend using coconut oil when cooking and avoiding the common oils. Fruits and vegetables should have a higher priority in your diet than meat.

We recommend enjoying a green shake or a salad every now and then !

6. Adequate nutritional supplements

If you choose to go on a diet to fight cellulite , make sure that it still contains all of the essential nutrients.

If you are not sure, you can take appropriate dietary supplements. Such defects may only become apparent during a medical examination or a blood test.

Talk to your doctor to see if you are literally missing anything.

In drugstores or pharmacies you will find a whole range of products of all brands and price ranges. If you maintain a healthy, balanced diet and do not participate in competitive sports, a common dietary supplement is completely sufficient.

Special needs only need to be considered if you either suffer from certain illnesses or do a lot of sport.

Always remember that dietary supplements cannot replace healthy eating.

7. A glass of mineral water

Let’s conclude the morning rituals with a glass of mineral water. Even if you already had a glass of lemon water at the beginning, that glass of water is not too much to hydrate you for the day. Mainly because you did sport in between.

There is hardly any other factor that is as important in combating cellulite as having properly hydrated skin. The cream leaves the skin feeling soft, but it won’t last long if your skin lacks moisture.

Also, keep the rule of thumb in mind that you should drink at least two liters of water every day. You should stick to this with maximum constancy.

We recommend that you always have a small bottle of water with you . Then it is always ready to hand when you want to take a sip.

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