7 Mistakes In Skin Care

Restful sleep, abstinence from smoking and drinking, the use of sunscreen, the correct use of make-up … Many details of your daily life affect your skin.

7 mistakes in skin care

In order to have healthy, smooth, and glowing skin, you need to invest some time in maintenance. For this reason, removing makeup every night and using a moisturizer every day may not be enough. Below are some of the common skincare mistakes and why it’s so important to avoid them.

Proper skin care is not just a question of aesthetics. It is also a question of health! Therefore, beyond beauty products and aesthetic treatment, it is important to recognize and avoid the mistakes we make in skin care .

Below are seven mistakes many of us make when it comes to skin care.

7 mistakes to avoid in skin care

1. Excessive peels

Excessive scrubs are not good for your skin
Excessive peelings affect the outermost layers of the skin, changing its structure and irritating it.

Yes, it’s true that exfoliating will remove dead skin cells and help keep skin looking better. However, don’t overdo it. Because excessive scrubs can seriously damage your skin.

If you use an exfoliator too often, you will also get rid of the cells that are trying to heal and grow properly. In addition, exfoliating too often can dry out your skin and promote the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, you should only exfoliate once a week.

2. Do not use sun protection

The sun is extremely harmful to the health of our skin. Sun exposure is the number one cause of skin aging as UV rays cause spots and wrinkles, and also promote skin cancer. For this reason, you should use sun protection adapted to your skin type in both summer and winter.

3. Do not remove make-up before going to bed

Make-up should be removed every evening
During the night, makeup can clog your skin pores and lead to future problems like blackheads and acne.

If you come home late at night and are very tired, it can be a great temptation to just go to bed without removing your make-up. Not only is this one of the most common skin care mistakes, it’s also one of the most harmful. It is imperative that you remove your makeup properly before bed so that your skin can renew itself at night.

If you don’t remove your makeup, your skin will become dry and dull. In addition, the dirt on your skin will clog your pores, which can encourage acne, blackheads, and all kinds of pimples to appear. Therefore, you should remove all of your makeup with a facial cleanser or a product recommended for your skin type.

4. Not using products properly

This is another mistake that is common in skin care. Often it starts with not knowing your skin type. You should find this out first: Analyze whether you have normal, dry, oily, combination skin or sensitive skin. This information will help you choose the products that will best suit your skin.

It is also important to know what function each product fulfills: day cream, night cream, serum, eye contour cream, facial toner, cleansing gel. .. Each product has a specific effect on your skin. Therefore, you should know how to use it before using it.

5. A common mistake in skin care: squeezing out pimples


Maybe you are one of those people who express their pimples. However, this is one of the biggest mistakes when it comes to skin care. Avoid touching them. Instead, leave them alone and apply a product to make them go away as quickly as possible. You can use a concealer if necessary.

6. Dietary mistakes in skin care

Diet also plays an important role in skin care. To have healthy and glowing skin, it is important that you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and nutritious foods. This way, you are providing your skin with the nutrients and antioxidants it needs.

It’s also important to keep your skin hydrated and avoid harmful habits like smoking.

7. Not getting enough sleep

Avoid skincare mistakes to ensure healthier skin
Healthy habits also play a role when it comes to skin health. So if you eat a healthy diet and get a good night’s sleep, you will look healthier too.

In order for your skin to renew itself at night, make sure you get enough sleep every night. While every person is different, the general advice of experts is eight hours of sleep a night. This way, your skin will look fresh and rested in the morning.

On the contrary, a lack of sleep immediately causes dark circles under your eyes and your skin to look tired, dry, and dull. It is also important that you wash your pillowcases frequently, as this is where a lot of contaminants and substances build up that can be harmful to your skin.

As you can see, these good habits help keep your skin looking radiant and much healthier. That is why you should try to put them into practice every day to get the results you want and enjoy your healthy skin!

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