7 Foods That Will Lower Your Blood Pressure In 2 Weeks

In order to control blood pressure, it is fundamental to avoid harmful habits (such as tobacco) and to include certain foods in your diet that help eliminate harmful substances promote from the organism.

7 foods that will lower your blood pressure in 2 weeks

Elevated blood pressure depends on various factors. Among other things, nutrition plays an important role in this. You can lower your blood pressure in a few weeks.

You can do a lot yourself  to keep your blood pressure balanced and then protect your cardiovascular health in order to prevent dangerous diseases.

It is never too late to change various habits:  Exercise, because you can not only reduce stress with it, sport is also important for healthy blood pressure!

Avoid unhealthy habits such as tobacco and eat a healthy, balanced diet!

Today we recommend  7 foods that you should incorporate into your diet every day  to lower your blood pressure.

If you also exercise, you can regulate your blood pressure in just 2 weeks. It is worth it! However, you should always ask your doctor for advice first!

1. Beetroot for better  blood pressure


The nitrates and nitrites contained in the beetroot are of great importance for the metabolism, in particular to regulate blood pressure.

  • The nitric oxide improves arterial vasodilation.  Therefore, all foods with nitrates are excellent for cardiovascular health.
  • The beetroot is the best choice and also recommended in every diet to balance blood pressure.

Do not doubt to use this tuber in salads or mixed drinks. In combination with apples or grapes, these taste wonderful!

2. Garlic

Garlic was used as medicine even before it was used in various recipes in the kitchen.

  • Crushed garlic, or a raw chewed toe, was used in ancient Greece  to heal wounds as well as to treat high blood pressure.
  • Garlic also helps lower cholesterol, especially the bad LDL cholesterol, so it’s a very important tool for wellbeing.

Eat garlic daily, especially in the morning on an empty stomach. There is nothing healthier than a raw clove of garlic to start the day!

3. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids

Fish oil, avocado or extra virgin olive oil are rich in natural omega-3 fatty acids.

These important fats are very beneficial for heart health.

  • They strengthen the blood vessels and also keep them elastic,  they improve blood circulation and prevent peaks that can lead to high blood pressure.
  • It has been shown that DHA Omega 3 plays an important role in the diet of patients with high blood pressure.

For example, you can eat salmon in the evening and marinate your salads with linseed oil or olive oil. A handful of nuts for breakfast is also a perfect choice!

4. Kale for high blood pressure

It tastes intense and then has to be chewed well, not everyone likes this taste. But kale has numerous advantages and should therefore be on the menu every week.

  • Kale is a superfood because it provides important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – even more than spinach!
  • Kale can therefore help lower blood pressure because it is high in magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C.
  • All of these ingredients are of great help in regulating high blood pressure!

5. Oats

Oats are high in fiber, low in fat, and these grains  are low in sodium, a mineral that increases blood pressure.

  • Oat flakes and oat flour should not be missing on the daily menu. You can have oatmeal for breakfast and use it to make cookies, bread, or other recipes.

In combination with honey and fruit you can take care of your health with this cereal!

6. Bananas


Bananas are high in potassium. That’s why you should eat a banana every day, because you can already cover almost 10% of your daily potassium requirement with it.

  • As you know,  potassium is essential to keep the kidneys healthy.
  • Sodium promotes inflammatory processes and fluid retention in the tissue, but potassium ensures healthy blood circulation and has a dehydrating effect.

Don’t forget that bananas also give you energy, so incorporate them into your diet regularly!

7. Natural yogurt

Natural yoghurt

Natural yogurt also contains two wonderful substances that work against high blood pressure: calcium and probiotics.

  • A calcium deficiency can increase blood pressure in the short term,  so it is worth incorporating natural yoghurt into your diet, as it is an excellent source of calcium. The probiotics it contains are also very important!
  • With this you can strengthen your intestinal flora and keep it healthy. In this way, nutrients can be better absorbed and at the same time pollutants are expelled from the blood and blood circulation is promoted.

Do not doubt to follow these recommendations and check your blood pressure values ​​after 2 weeks.

Have regular check-ups because high blood pressure is one of the “silent killers”. With these foods you can take precaution and lower high blood pressure. Don’t forget to listen to your doctor’s recommendations, however!

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