7 Effective Ways To Relax The Mind

Today we explain 7 simple ways to relax your mind when you want to switch off.

7 Effective Ways to Relax the Mind

During the day there are many moments in which we are heavily used, feel stress and fear, maybe just want to run away in order not to have to face certain conflict situations. How can we manage to relax ?

How can we deal with these emotions? And how can we relax and avoid them affecting our health?

Today we explain 7 simple ways to relax your mind if you want to switch off. These are practical tips that can be of great use to you.

1. My private castle, my refuge


The best way to explain the first strategy is with a simple example. Imagine that you are at work, you have an enormous number of tasks in front of you and there is great tension, noise, work colleagues who talk to each other, who talk to you, overwhelm you …

And maybe you just had an argument with your partner. Your kids are sitting at home waiting for you to take them to exercise. How can we relax the mind in such a situation, if only for a moment ?

Now imagine an empty room. In a private castle of peace, where you can close the door and thus exclude all worries and all noise.

You are safe in this room, in this castle. If you want, you can think about things that concern you here without external pressure.

2. The white wall

White wall

This exercise is as effective as it is easy. We have all found ourselves in situations in which we were suddenly confronted with a multitude of worries and were afraid of the future. Concern and doubt fill our minds and we feel paralyzed.

If this happens to you, try to stop these negative thoughts immediately and put a white wall in front of them. It protects you, calms you down and prevents worries from getting through to you. Just try it. No more negative thinking.

On the other side of the white wall, you can think realistically about the situation.

3. My breathing


Anxiety and stress increase our breathing rate, take our breath away and also make the heart work harder than it should. Step by step and without our being aware of this, muscle tension and headaches develop .

When this happens, try to consciously control your breathing. To do this, place your hand on your stomach and take a deep breath, feeling how the stomach draws in and the chest area widens.

Hold the air in your lungs for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. Pay attention to how part of the internal burden escapes with the air. This exercise is very relaxing and will help clear your mind.

4. Write


A simple but very effective technique for relaxing the mind is to always have a small book in your pocket. A nice little book in which to write down all your worries when you feel overwhelmed by them.

Let your fears run wild, the tension, put them into words. If it helps, you can burn what you wrote down afterwards. The little book can also become your personal diary, so keep what you entrust to it.

Share not only your worries with him, but also your thoughts and dreams. Day by day the booklet becomes more of your friend, a possibility to escape reality for a few moments.

5. A little sun, a few steps through the green


If you feel overwhelmed, if fear and worry envelop you and put you under tremendous pressure, then switch off. Take a walk, through the park, through the forest, through the mountains …

Let the sun caress you , feel how nature gently and calmly caresses your skin.

It’s a bit like going back to the roots and we can assure you that there are few mind relaxation strategies that are so healing and effective.

6. Someone to listen to you

Couple park

Certainly there is someone in your circle of friends who listens carefully, is honest with you and feels for you.

When you talk to this person about all of the things that make you unhappy, that cause you worry and stress, you are relieving yourself of a tremendous burden and you can relax better.

Sometimes we do not seek advice at all, including recommendations on how to behave in this or that situation. Then we just need someone to listen to us and give us their attention.

Once we have cleared our worries, we can decide which relaxation techniques are best for us.

7. Create your own personal space to relax


We all need this freedom, it’s a personal, intimate matter. Here we can be who we are and then relax. One finds this space while listening to music with his eyes closed.

The other one with dancing, drawing, with various forms of handicraft, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is to know what we can do to relax, relieve tension, and put worries in a realistic context.

We encourage you to try different strategies and pursuits. You have to figure out for yourself the best way to relax your mind. We are all individuals with different needs; not every technology helps everyone equally well.

We’ve presented a selection in this article, but if you have other strategies that will help you, that’s fine, of course. They have to suit you.

Also, always remember to set priorities in your life. Don’t dive into other people’s problems so deeply that you neglect your own life. Trust yourself, develop healthy self-confidence.

Create your personal space, your privacy, your freedom.

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