7 Eating Habits That Harm Your Facial Skin

Avoid salt and sugar as much as possible and drink more water to take care of your skin!

7 eating habits that harm your facial skin

If you want beautiful skin, you should not only look after yourself from the outside, but also from the inside! Eating habits play   an important role in this. Today you will find out which ones can damage your facial skin.

Healthy eating habits for beautiful facial skin

If you want beautiful skin, you have to moisturize it regularly and protect it from the sun. But nutrition also plays a very important role for the skin and should not be underestimated.

Then we will tell you different eating habits that you should abandon in  order to protect your skin!

1. Too much sugar

Too much sugar eating habits

Sugar can be found almost everywhere: in soft drinks, desserts, confectionery and also in many ready-made meals. It not only leads to weight gain, but also promotes skin aging! 

If you eat too much sugar, it affects the production of collagen and elastin, which in turn means that the skin is less elastic and wrinkles form earlier.

Eat fruit when you’re in the mood for something sweet! 

2. Too much alcohol

Alcohol is generally bad for the liver and other organs, but if you drink too much of it, it also removes moisture from the skin, making it lose its suppleness and firmness!

3. Skip meals

Nutrition experts keep explaining the importance of not skipping any of the main meals.

The hectic everyday life sometimes means that you rush out of the house without breakfast or have no time for lunch.

The skin also suffers from this  because it does not receive the nutrients it needs and it loses its shine. 

4. Foods that cause acne

Certain very delicious foods can promote acne or breakouts on the face.

This includes:

  • Seafood because it is high in iodine.
  • Bread and pasta because they are rich in starch.
  • Milk and dairy products because they contain a hormone that stimulates the functions of the seborrheic glands.

5. Too much salt

That too much salt is not healthy is nothing new. This leads to inflammation due to  water retention, which also damages the cells of the skin and robs them of their elasticity. 

6. Fried foods

French fries food habits

Too much fried food increases cholesterol, which in turn can cause health problems, as is well known.

But did you know that this also means that the oxygen supply to the skin is insufficient? As a result, the skin loses flexibility and wrinkles appear.

7. Coffee

A cup of coffee for breakfast may be delicious, but drinking too much of it can also lead to undesirable effects.

This increases the cortisol level and not only leads to stress, but also to

  • faster aging,
  • Dehydration and
  • Skin cloudiness.

Avoid bad eating habits that (not only) damage your facial skin!

Woman eats salad food choices

A healthy, balanced diet is essential for the beauty of the skin. This is the only way you can achieve young, healthy facial skin.

You don’t have to completely give up your favorite food or every glass of beer with friends, but make sure you have a balanced diet. Both too little and too much of a good thing are harmful.

For example, water is fundamental to detoxifying the body and keeping skin beautiful, but drinking too much in a short period of time can also create an imbalance.

So if you want to show off beautiful and young facial skin, care for it through healthy eating habits with the necessary nutrients.

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