6 Tips That Can Help Against Acrochordons

The anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects of pineapple juice can help eliminate acrochordons and prevent them from forming on other skin areas.

6 tips that can help against acrochordons

Acrochordons or skin appendages are small growths of the skin that often appear on the neck, arms, eyelids or other parts of the body.

This is caused by an  accumulation of collagen on thicker skin areas,  but acrochordons can probably also be created by friction.

Even if these skin extensions do not pose a health risk, they are sometimes very annoying and irritable or can simply be injured.

Many also want to get rid of the acrochordons because they don’t  necessarily look beautiful, which of course also depends on where exactly they are. 

It is not absolutely necessary to initiate expensive treatments to achieve this goal.

Various natural agents could  destroy the tissues of the appendages without harming the surrounding skin. Read on to find out more!

1. Apple cider vinegar


The malic acid contained in apple cider vinegar  is an excellent home remedy for acrochordons and also for warts.

This application should be carried out for several weeks.

What you need

  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • 1 toothpick
  • Cotton wool
  • band Aid


  • Clean the affected skin area with a little lukewarm water and neutral soap.
  • Dry well and then rub gently with a toothpick.
  • Moisten the cotton wool with apple cider vinegar and then apply it directly to the skin process.
  • Then cover with a plaster and leave to work all night.
  • Then cleanse the next day and repeat the treatment before going to bed.

    2. Castor oil with baking soda against  acrochordons

    The combination of castor oil and baking powder results in a  paste that is excellent for treating acrochordons.

    What you need

    • 1 tablespoon of castor oil (10 ml)
    • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder (2 g)
    • band Aid


    • Mix the castor oil with the baking soda until you get a sticky paste.
    • This is then applied directly to the skin process and then attached with a plaster.
    • Then let the remedy work all night and then wash it off the next morning.
    • Then use this home remedy for four weeks.

    3. Pineapple juice


    The enzyme bromelain found in pineapple juice can be helpful in acrochordons.

    The anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects can reduce the skin process  and prevent other parts of the body from becoming infected.

    What you need

    • 1 piece of pineapple
    • 3 drops of lemon juice
    • Cotton wool


    • Puree the piece of pineapple and then add three drops of lemon juice.
    • Then moisten some cotton wool with it and then apply the agent to the affected areas.
    • Then repeat this treatment three times a day.

    4. Tea tree essential oil

    Tea tree essential oil is one of the best home remedies for acrochordons and small skin growths.

    The antibiotic and antiviral properties  put an end to the pathogens and can prevent them from spreading to other places.

    What you need

    • 3 drops of tea tree essential oil
    • Water (as much as required)
    • Cotton wool


    • Moisten the cotton wool with water and then clean the affected area.
    • Then apply two to three drops of the oil directly to the skin process.
    • Do not rinse. Then apply this treatment twice a day.

    5. Oregano oil


    Oregano oil is very popular for treating various  infections, viral diseases, and skin inflammations.

    The active ingredients contained in it help excellently against fibroids and can also prevent them from spreading to other parts of the body.

    What you need

    • 1/2 teaspoon of oregano oil
    • Cotton wool


      • Moisten the cotton wool with the oil and then apply it directly to the affected area.
      • Repeat this treatment twice a day.

      6. Onion juice and salt

      The sulfur compounds contained in the onion have an antibacterial effect  and can therefore also help with acrochordons.

      What you need

      • 1 onion
      • a tablespoon of sea salt (10 g)
      • 1 association


      • Cut the onion into small pieces and then place in a container with the sea salt.
      • Let it steep overnight and then use the resulting juice the next day to treat the skin processes.
      • Simply apply it to the affected areas and then bandage them. Then let this home remedy work all night long.
      • Then repeat this treatment for 10 to 12 nights.

      Choose the home remedy that works best for you and follow the recommendations.

      Note, however,  that the results will take some time and that these home remedies can work differently for everyone. 

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