6 Signs Of High Cortisol Levels

If you want to keep your cortisol levels low, you should limit your coffee consumption and use more energy through physical activity! 

6 signs of high cortisol levels

You should watch for and take appropriate action for these signs of high cortisol levels , as these  could develop into various diseases that you can prevent.

Cortisol, also known as hydrocortisone or hydrocortisone, is an endogenous  hormone that is produced in the adrenal cortex. 

This hormone is involved in many metabolic processes. Among other things, cortisol influences the blood sugar level and lipid metabolism. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory effects and delays water excretion.

Overproduction of cortisol has a very negative effect on bone stability in children and can, among other things, lead to obesity.

The increased cortisol level leads to Cushing’s syndrome, in which the blood sugar level is increased and typical changes in body shape occur. In addition, this clinical picture leads to increased blood pressure, the accumulation of fat and body stress.

1. Sudden weight gain as a sign of high cortisol levels

Sudden, obviously unprovoked weight gain is one of the most common signs of high cortisol levels, but it doesn’t always have to be attributed to that cause.

There are various other reasons for this, so you should definitely get a medical examination.

  • Weight gain could be a sign of increased cortisol levels, especially if love handles accumulate in the upper body area (shoulders, chest and back).
  • Arms and legs are usually not affected. 

2. Skin discomfort as a sign of high cortisol levels

Skin discomfort as a sign of high cortisol levels

Increased cortisol levels very often lead to skin complaints.

The following signs could indicate high cortisol levels:

  • acne
  • Small-spotted capillary bleeding in the chest or stomach area or on the thighs
  • Bruises and weakness
  • Increase in facial and body hair

3. Muscle and bone discomfort 

High levels of cortisol also affect muscles and bones. The bone structure becomes weaker as a result,  the risk of fractures increases,  in particular the risk of a rib or spinal column fracture is greater.

4. Weakened immune system as a sign of high cortisol levels

Weakened immune system as a sign of high cortisol levels

The thymus gland is responsible for regulating the immune system, but is negatively affected by an increased cortisol level.

The hormone thymosin, which is formed here, can lead to cell death and cause the immune system to attack its own body tissues instead of fighting off foreign viruses.

  • The most common symptoms for this are asthma and allergies.
  • But it can also lead to serious diseases such as lupus, Crohn’s disease or fibromyalgia.

    5. Depression and mood swings  as signs of high cortisol levels

    Nervousness and anxiety are common consequences of a permanently high level of stress. In addition, there are sudden and repetitive mood swings,  sometimes severe depression. 

    Various studies have shown that increased cortisol levels reduce blood flow and the brain is supplied with less glucose. 

    If the cells do not receive enough glucose, cell death can occur.

    6. Fatigue and exhaustion  as signs of high cortisol levels

    Fatigue and exhaustion as signs of high cortisol levels

    The energy produced by cortisol can have the opposite effect on the organism.

    Those who are very active during the day cannot relax the body. During the night  , the increased cortisol level prevents the affected person from falling asleep or staying asleep. 

    • Under normal circumstances, cortisol levels rise at 8 a.m., when the body needs energy.
    • But if the cortisol levels are too high, exactly the opposite is the case: you become active at night and exhausted the next morning.

    How can you reduce cortisol levels? 

    You will then find various recommendations for reducing cortisol levels and leading a healthier life.

    No coffee

    Caffeine increases blood cortisol levels  by at least 30% for an hour. In some cases, however, the effects can last for 18 hours.

    If you intend to reduce your catabolic metabolism and increase your anabolic metabolism, you should avoid coffee.

    More sleep

    Sleep to prevent signs of high cortisol levels

    Improve the quality of your sleep with relaxing herbal teas such as valerian or chamomile. This allows your body to relax better and longer.

    In this way you can not only reduce the cortisol level, but also promote your health and prevent premature signs of aging.


    Everyone knows that exercise is healthy. With a daily exercise routine you can build muscle mass and stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine. This in turn can reduce the risk of nervousness and depression.

    In addition,  you can use it to break down excess energy  and reduce cortisol levels.

    Constant blood sugar levels

    Your diet should include carbohydrates, protein, and fiber to help control blood sugar levels.

    We also recommend taking nutritional supplements such as vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, chromium, zinc, vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid (ALA).

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