6 Habits That Help Prevent Cancer

Eating a healthy diet is one of the cornerstones of a healthy life, but it is also the key to cancer prevention. A healthy diet maintains the function of the immune system.

6 habits that will help prevent cancer

Experts believe that a healthy lifestyle could prevent half of all cancers. This article is a list of healthy habits that are scientifically proven to help prevent cancer.

Put these habits into practice to improve your life and protect your health.

What should we know about cancer?

Prevention of cancer
Cancer is a multifactorial disease that is dependent on both genetic and environmental factors.

One of the most talked about diseases right now is cancer. This is understandable, because the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 21.6 million new cancer cases are expected worldwide by 2030.

It is important to understand that the appearance of some malignant cells in the body is inevitable. However, these do not become cancer if the body is in balance and we do not encourage the development of this disease through certain “triggers”.

It is therefore of fundamental importance to have a positive effect on possibly tumorous cells as well as the surrounding cells – which form the tumorous microenvironment. At the same time, we need to understand and avoid the factors that can contribute to the development of cancer.

According to researchers at the Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, genetic factors are responsible for 5-10% of cancers. At the same time, environmental causes are responsible for around 90% of cases. It can therefore be concluded that practicing healthy habits could prevent a significant proportion of cancers.

Habits That Help Prevent Cancer

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, diet is vital. Physical exercise and dealing with stress are just as important. Let’s take a look at the top tips for preventing cancer.

1. Maintain a healthy weight

Prevention of cancer
Bad eating habits have been linked to diseases such as obesity and high blood pressure, which in turn can promote the development of cancer.

Maintain a healthy weight throughout your life, as being overweight and obese increase the risk of cancer and relapse. Experts link both to low-grade systemic inflammation characterized by elevated inflammatory cytokines.

As this leads to a change in the immune system, experts associate this condition with the development of diseases.

2. Healthy eating and cancer prevention

A healthy diet is a cornerstone of a healthy life. But it is also the key to preventing cancer. Being well nourished keeps the immune system working properly.

Studies of the positive effects of eating vegetables and fruits show their importance in the fight against cancer.

Why is that?

It’s because they provide nutrients that help repair damaged cells. Therefore, you should consume at least five servings a day.

Also, one should avoid eating excessive amounts of red meat and processed foods. In addition, you should limit yourself to certain times. These suggestions come from the American Institute for Cancer Research.

3. Don’t smoke!

One of the most harmful habits for health is smoking. That’s because it causes a number of diseases, including cancer. The WHO estimates that 22% of cancer deaths originate from this bad habit. Quitting smoking is not easy, but it is a smart decision that many find difficult.

Smoking causes much more than just cancer deaths. It also causes heart attacks, cardiovascular problems, chronic fatigue, and many more damage.

4. Exercise for cancer prevention

Exercise offers great benefits to the body. These include the prevention of cancer thanks to the positive effect on the immune system.

Exercise is one of the healthiest habits we can incorporate into our lives. Cardiovascular health improves and we burn excess calories. In addition, exercise also helps prevent many diseases, including cancer. 3 to 5 workouts per week (30-60 minutes) are ideal for reaping the health and cancer prevention benefits.

5. Prevent tumor cells from multiplying

Another interesting fact is that we can create conditions so that tumor cells do not multiply. One example is the inclusion in our diet of ingredients that help with cell repair. These are, for example, antioxidants.

Some vegetables have been shown to have the greatest inhibitory effects on cancer growth. These include, for example, cruciferous vegetables (types of cabbage, broccoli, kale, etc.), other dark leafy vegetables and garlic. The reason for this is the polyphenols contained in these plants.

Carotene-rich fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, persimmons, and apricots contain provitamin A. In some cases they also contain lycopene. Both substances inhibit the division of harmful cells.

6. Practice a relaxation technique

Avoiding stress is crucial. In addition to environmental factors, there are also psycho-emotional factors. If the stress management is poor, these can trigger the disease process.

Hence, it is very important to learn methods for dealing with stress. For example, mindfulness, physical activity or increased contact with nature are very helpful.

The relevance of healthy habits to cancer prevention

Of course, there are also some risk factors that cannot be controlled. These include, for example, the genetic requirements and certain environmental factors. Still, there are habits that can be followed to prevent cancer from developing.

We hope that you have found this information useful and that you consider it. Keep in mind that following these habits, along with regular doctor visits and a healthy lifestyle, can help prevent cancer.

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