6 Great Tips To Get The Abdominal Muscles In Shape

Your abdominal muscles are largely responsible for protecting your spine and back. So in addition to physical appearance, there is also a medical reason for exercising it.

6 great tips to get your abs in shape

Most people have difficulty losing weight in the abdominal region. Therefore, today we would like to share 6 great tips to get the abs in shape.

It is often difficult for us to train the body and move sufficiently. There can be various reasons for this. For example, there may be an imbalance between diet and exercise.

For many people, a flat stomach with defined muscles is very desirable because it stands for health and sportiness. Apart from its visual advantages, this part of the body is also extremely important for a healthy balance. That is why we should make sure to strengthen it through regular training.

Many begin by devising a training plan that is geared towards strengthening the abdominal muscles , but it is not easy to get started and the exercises are often difficult to put together.

If you want to train your abs, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll explain what you can do. 

What do sit-ups do?

The main function of a strong stomach is to keep the body in balance. This includes protecting the back and spine.

If you only store a little fat in this part of the body, only little fat will be able to accumulate in the rest of the body. This automatically makes you healthier and more athletic.

In ancient cultures, pronounced abdominal muscles were considered a sign of high chances of survival in men. At the same time it was said at the time that they were a sign of good genes.

Before you start your training plan, you should be aware of how your muscles are actually built.

  • Musculus rectus abdominis: This muscle provides a “six pack”.
  • Internal oblique muscles: They lie under the rectus abdominis muscle and the external oblique muscles.
  • External obliques: They are located on the side of the rectus abdominis muscle. You are responsible for having strong, attractive looking hips.
  • Lateral abdominal muscle: This muscle lies deep in the middle of the body. It significantly supports all other muscles. Of course, since it is so deep, it is also the most difficult to train.
exercise the abdominal muscles

Essentials for training the abdominal muscles

In order to strengthen the abdominal muscles, it is extremely important that exercise is accompanied by a balanced diet.

  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because they contain fiber and nutrients.
  • You should avoid sweets, alcohol and excesses without exception.

1. Watch your neck when doing sit-ups

You must not pull your neck forward when doing sit-ups. Many people make this fatal mistake. Place your hands separately behind your head, never behind your neck.

  • Experts recommend leaving a little space between your chin and chest. This will prevent the strain from the abdominal region from putting pressure on the neck.

2. elbow

Woman wants to train the abdominal muscles

The position of the arms also affects the position of the elbows.

  • In the past it was often said that the elbows should point forward. But that’s a big mistake!
  • They should be oriented to the side, open and with some distance from the body. This will prevent unnecessary pressure from being exerted on the head and neck.

3. Breathing

Correct breathing is very important in order to exercise the abdominal region well.

  • Make sure that you breathe in before you look hard enough and exhale when you pull together the abdomen.
  • This breathing technique prevents you from getting tired easily. It also makes training more effective.

4. back

Improper back posture is a very common mistake that is often made in ab training sessions.

  • Make sure that your posture is slightly bent, but not hunched.
  • Bending the back slightly helps to train the corresponding muscles and at the same time protects the spine.
  • If you arch your back and tighten your lumbar region, you are harming yourself. It also puts unnecessary strain on your back. 
    Exercise abs - back

5. Rest to get your abs in shape

Just like all other muscles, your stomach needs rest between workouts.

  • You will achieve better training results if you stretch yourself after the exercises. You also counteract injuries or pain.

6. Be mindful

It is important that you do sit-ups slowly. Don’t balance or apply too much pressure. 

  • Adjust the training to your physical condition, rely on your feelings and your experience.

    Now you have all the basic information you need to get started! Don’t forget that exercise needs to be supplemented with rest, stretching, and other habits to prevent injury.

    In order to strengthen the abdominal muscles from the inside out, you should also pay attention to a balanced diet. Do the exercises correctly to train a healthy and strong body. 

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