5 Symptoms Of A Weak Immune System

Constant fatigue and frequent colds and sore throats can be a sign of a weak immune system.

5 symptoms of a weak immune system

The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism to protect itself from viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. When it is weakened, the basic functions can no longer be performed. Read on to learn about 5 of the top immune system symptoms.

How do I know if my immune system is weakened?

Sometimes our immune system is weakened due to a poor diet, too much stress or other ailments. But what warning notices inform us about this?

The immune system defends the organism against external influences that can be harmful to the body. It consists of a network of cells, tissues and organs that are collectively responsible for protecting our organism.

You have probably heard of leukocytes, the so-called white blood cells, whose task is to fight against pathogenic foreign substances in our body. These cells are found in the thymos, spleen and bone marrow – these are also known as lymphatic organs.

However, if for some reason the number of white blood cells is too low, the body can  no longer properly  geg protect en pathogens. It is therefore important to watch out for  symptoms of a weak immune system  and, if necessary, to consult a doctor who can find out the causes of this weakness.


Note the following symptoms of a weak immune system:

1. Fatigue

Fatigue can be a sign of a weak immune system

Fatigue can have many different causes. However, if you are constantly tired and already feel exhausted after getting up, every little exertion is too much, temperature fluctuations trigger a feeling of weakness or spells of dizziness, you should not ignore this and consult a doctor.

2. Frequent infections

Frequent urinary tract or stomach infections, inflamed and reddened gums or even diarrhea are signs of a weakened immune system that cannot defend itself properly against pathogens. In other words, viruses and bacteria can enter your body and act very easily.

3. Colds, flu and sore throats

Strengthen your immune system.  to prevent runny nose

How often do you catch cold? Do you often have a sore throat? Do you get the flu often? Then go to the doctor and have him do a blood test to check the white blood cell levels. Perhaps you have a weakened immune system that cannot defend itself adequately.

4. Allergies

Some people often suffer from various allergic reactions. In this case, the immune system cannot properly protect the organism from pollen, dust or other substances that come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes. If this applies to you, it could be due to a weakened immune system.

5. Poor wound healing

poor wound healing is one of the symptoms of a weak immune system

Occasionally, a small cut or wound may not heal properly and instead  become infected and painful. This can also indicate a weakened immune system. If you have this problem too, you’d better get examined!

Learn to strengthen your immune system

Eat enough fruit because vitamins strengthen your immune system

1. Watch your diet

As you probably know, a balanced diet is the basis of good health. But often we only think about it when we have complaints or fall ill. However, a varied and balanced diet is extremely important!

Make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegetables and lean proteins. Again, you should avoid sugar, fat and alcohol.

Citrus fruits are an important source of vitamin C. So don’t forget to consume oranges and mandarins regularly, but also other fruits such as papayas, grapes and tomatoes.

2. Get enough sleep

A restful, peaceful sleep  is of great importance for a strong immune system. In this way, the organism can supply itself with new energy at night and carry out its basic functions. Insomnia and worry cause us to wake up repeatedly during the night, which can be very bad for our health.

3. Hygiene and purity

You also know that for sure. However, sometimes we still forget to wash our  hands before eating or cooking. This also applies after touching an animal. You should of course also pay attention to the purity of the food. Wash the vegetables thoroughly before consuming them and remove any dirt. This is how you can protect yourself from pathogens.

4. Learn to manage stress

When stress becomes a habit, it can cause serious health problems. Then pollutants accumulate in our organism, the immune system is weakened and diseases occur. Set priorities and learn to love yourself because it is important to regularly take time for yourself.

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