5 Natural Remedies To Care For Damaged Hair

Brittle, dull hair with split ends affects your external appearance. But there are a variety of natural hair care products that you can easily make and use yourself. 

5 natural remedies to take care of damaged hair

To  care for damaged hair , all you need is patience and the right products. Remember that even the best grooming product, regardless of whether it was bought or homemade, cannot restore your head of hair overnight.

You may see some superficial improvement, but only  regular hair care with the right products can bring definitive results. 

Since the head of hair is very important for the appearance,  you should therefore care for it accordingly to give it a healthy aspect. Then we have put together 5 home remedies for you that can help you with this. 

5 home remedies to take good care of damaged hair

Home remedies to take good care of damaged hair

Hair health is affected by harsh conditioning products, hair coloring, sun exposure, or heat treatments. As a result, the hair loses its shine and becomes dry and brittle. In addition, it also becomes weaker and thus the tendency towards hair loss increases.

To solve this problem, there are various natural care products that  are very beneficial:  You can also use natural masks, hair creams and conditioners to  make your hair shine again! 

Don’t forget, however, that you also  need to be careful with heat treatments and other harmful habits in order to actually achieve your desired goal. Avoid hairdryers, straighteners, and chemical dyes if possible.

1. Avocado, honey and egg hair mask for damaged hair

Honey gives your hair back its natural shine, works against dandruff and strengthens the scalp. It also has moisturizing properties. Chicken eggs and avocados are also perfect for supplying the hair with moisture and vital substances.


  • 1 avocado
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (30 g)
  • 1 egg yolk


  • Mix all of the ingredients in a container until you have a uniform paste.
  • Then apply this to the entire length of hair after washing your hair.
  • Leave the mask on for about half an hour and then rinse it off with plenty of cold water.

2. Oil treatment with olive oil and mayonnaise against damaged hair

Oil treatment with olive oil and mayonnaise against damaged hair 

Vegetable oils are very beneficial for treating damaged hair. Olive oil moisturizes the hair while protecting the scalp. 

Mayonnaise (preferably self-made) also contains important vital substances that care for your hair and give it back the shine you long for. After this treatment, your hair will be wonderfully silky and soft. 


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise (20 g)
  • 1 chicken egg (60 g)


  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth cream.
  • Then apply this to washed hair and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse with plenty of water.

3. Hair treatment with egg and olive oil for damaged hair

Dry, damaged hair is often frizzy and unruly. But with this hair treatment you can intensively care for your hair and supply it with moisture. It also makes it easier to comb and has a wonderful shine.


  • 1 egg (60 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (30 g)


  • Mix the egg and olive oil well and then apply to damp hair.
  • Let this mask work for at least 20 minutes before rinsing it out.

    4. Castor and soybean oil for damaged hair

    Castor oil is very useful for a variety of home remedies. Not only does it make hair easier to comb, it also strengthens it and promotes healthy hair growth. You can also achieve great shine and silky hair with this treatment.

    In combination with soybean oil, you will benefit many times from this home remedy!


    • 1 tablespoon of soybean oil (10 g)
    • 3 tablespoons of castor oil (30 g)


    • Mix both oils well and warm them up slightly in a water bath (never bring them to a boil!).
    • Once the oil mixture is at a comfortable temperature, you can apply it to your scalp and damp hair. Massage your scalp gently to stimulate blood circulation at the same time.
    • Then put on a plastic hood or wrap a towel around your hair and let the treatment work for at least 15 minutes.
    • Finally, gently comb the hair and then rinse the oil mixture with lukewarm water.

    5. Mask made of almond oil, honey and egg against damaged hair

    Damaged hair: cut the tips
    Get the ends of your hair cut and use our home remedies to care for damaged hair.

    For split ends, it’s best to have the tips cut and then use natural masks to restore your hair to a healthy shine. All of the ingredients in this mask provide your hair with plenty of moisture, make it shine and make it silky. 


    • 3 tablespoons of almond oil (30 g)
    • 1 teaspoon honey (5 g)
    • 1 whole egg (60 g)


    • Mix all ingredients well until you get a uniform mask.
    • Then apply this to your hair and let it sit for  20 minutes.
    • Then wash out with cold water.

    Do not forget…

    These natural home remedies don’t work immediately; you need to use them regularly to get the results you want. In addition, other measures are also important to achieve the goal: a healthy, varied diet, avoiding heat treatments, high-quality shampoos (preferably made from natural ingredients), etc.

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