5 Natural Remedies For Treating Eye Infections

Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, jasmine flower tea is one of the best ways to treat eye infections naturally.

5 natural remedies to treat eye infections

Our eyes also suffer from inflammation. Eye infections often start in the inner or outer eyelid. They can be caused by  viruses, bacteria, or fungi. These can cause inflammation if they multiply.

The symptoms are constant itching or skin irritation,  often accompanied by redness, dryness and impaired vision.

Most  eye infections  can be cured quickly. They only recur in rare cases. Even so, it is important to pay attention to them to avoid complications or discomfort.

Fortunately, in addition to antibiotics, there are several natural remedies available for treatment  that will speed recovery with no side effects.

In this article, we want to introduce the 5 best natural remedies so that you can try them out if you have eye infections.

Treat eye infections with these 5 natural remedies

1. Flaxseed

Flaxseed can help relieve eye infections.

Flax seeds, well known for their digestive and diuretic properties, are also anti-inflammatory and refreshing. This is why they can be helpful with eye infections.

Their ability to moisturize  aids in the natural lubrication of the eyes  and also helps in cleaning the  eyelids.


  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed (10g)
  • 1 glass of water (200ml)


  • Mix a tablespoon of flaxseed with a glass of water and  let this mixture simmer on low for 10 minutes.
  • Then let the home remedy cool down until it’s a suitable temperature and then pour it off.


    • Moisten a clean cloth with the liquid and  apply it to the eyelids for 5 minutes.
    • Repeat this  twice a day until the infection is healed.

    2. Jasmine flower tea

    The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of jasmine flower tea can help alleviate eye infections by  directly attacking the microorganisms that cause infections  .


    • 1 tablespoon of jasmine flowers (10g)
    • 1 glass of water (200ml)


    • Put the tablespoon of jasmine flowers in a cup of boiling water and  let them steep for 15 to 20 minutes.
    • When the tea reaches a comfortable temperature, pour it off and apply it.


    • Use the liquid and rinse your eyes with it  twice a day.

    3. Rose water

    Rose water can help relieve eye infections.

    Rose water is a natural tonic that, thanks to its gentle composition, helps  cleanse the eyes and fight itchy, irritating eye infections.

    The properties of rose water reduce the occurrence of viruses and bacteria and  remove dust particles and other residues.


    • 3 tablespoons of rose petals (30g)
    • 1 glass of water (200ml)


    • Put the rose petals in a glass of water and  let them cook on low for 15 minutes.
    • Take the tea off the stove, let it steep and pour it off.


    • Use the liquid as an eye wash and rub it in with a cotton swab.
    • Repeat this treatment  3 times a day.

    4. Natural yogurt

    Natural yogurt’s live cultures help fight bacteria and fungi that negatively affect eye health.

    Their nutrients reduce redness and swelling,  which helps relieve pain and itching.


    • 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt (60g)
    • 1 teaspoon chamomile oil (optional)


    • Although you can use the plain yogurt on its own, we recommend that you combine it  with a teaspoon of chamomile oil to increase the anti-inflammatory properties.


    • Soak a cotton swab in the liquid and rub it over the affected area of ​​the eye.
    • Let the home remedy soak in for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.
    • Repeat this  2 times a day.

    5. Coriander tea

    Coriander can help relieve eye infections.

    The active ingredients of coriander have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects in the treatment of eye infections.

    Applying it to the eyelids  reduces swelling and nourishes the surrounding tissue.


    • 1 tablespoon coriander leaves (10g)
    • 1 glass of water (200ml)


    • Scald the coriander leaves with boiling water and let them steep for  15 minutes.
    • Pour off the liquid and use it.


    • Moisten a clean cloth with the tea and apply it to the eyes.
    • If you want, you can use the liquid as an eye drop.
    • Use this treatment  3 times a day.

    The above remedies can relieve mild eye infections. If symptoms persist or get worse, seek medical advice right away.

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