5 Natural Remedies For Tinnitus

In some cases, natural remedies can help to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of tinnitus. 

5 natural remedies for tinnitus

Tinnitus is the term used to describe very unpleasant and annoying noises in the ear that are not generated by the environment and are therefore also known as phantom noises. But what can be done  about tinnitus? 

Today we introduce you to various natural remedies that can be very helpful in  combating tinnitus  . Read on to learn more about it. 

The unpleasant ringing in the ears, which the affected person perceives repeatedly or constantly in tinnitus,  is often caused by infections, injuries or too much cerumen in the ear canals. 

Circulatory disorders or sudden hearing loss can also lead to this.

In most cases, ringing in the ears occurs only sporadically and in a mild form. There is a brief whistle or hum in the ear and then the noises disappear again.

In  milder cases, natural remedies can be very useful to get rid of the unpleasant noises.

We introduce you to 5 ways that work against tinnitus. However, do not forget to consult a doctor if the symptoms persist!

Causes of tinnitus

Woman needs treatment for tinnitus

The possible causes of tinnitus are very diverse, but not yet fully explored. Often no exact cause can be determined.

However, the most common triggers include injuries to the cells in the inner ear, which often lead to continuous ringing in the ears  as an electrical signal is sent via the auditory nerve to the brain, which is interpreted as sound. 

Other possible causes of tinnitus are:

  • Build-up of ear wax
  • Irritation of the hearing
  • Foreign body in the ear canal
  • Sound trauma (noise, canal or explosion trauma)
  • Age-related hearing loss
  • Injuries or diseases in the ear
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Circulatory disorders

Natural home remedies for tinnitus

In most cases, there will be slight noises in the ears, which only occur sporadically. One in four Germans has already noticed this phenomenon at some point in their lives.

However, treatment is sometimes needed to reduce symptoms and prevent constant ringing in the ears from interfering with everyday activities.

Before resorting to medicines, you can try these home remedies, which can often bring relief. Be sure to seek advice from your doctor, however!

1. Onion for tinnitus

Onion for tinnitus

The onion has an antibiotic effect and is therefore of great use in the case of ringing in the ears caused by an infection.

You can use natural onion juice to cleanse the ear canals  and soothe irritation.


  • ½ onion


  • Finely chop the onion and heat it in the microwave for 2 minutes.
  • Then let stand briefly and extract the juice.


  • Drip 2 to 3 drops of onion juice into the affected ear, tilting your head and letting the remedy work for 3 minutes.
  • After this time, tilt your head to remove any remaining liquid. Clean residues with a cloth.
  • Repeat this treatment three times a week.

2. Garlic for tinnitus

Garlic has very similar properties to onions. It also has a strong antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effect  and is therefore excellent against tinnitus. 

In combination with olive or sesame oil, you can use it to remove ear wax, which can lead to blockages.


  • 1 raw garlic clove
  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil (30 g)


  • Crush the raw garlic clove and briefly warm it up in sesame or olive oil. Then let it steep for a while.
  • Remove the garlic through a sieve and let the oil cool to room temperature.


  • Bend your head and put 3 drops of the oil in your ear.
  • Let this home remedy work for 3 minutes and then remove the residue.
  • Use this treatment once a week until you get relief.

    3. Ginkgo biloba for tinnitus

    Ginkgo biloba for tinnitus

    Tea or nutritional supplements with Ginkgo Biloba are very helpful against tinnitus, because they can alleviate circulatory disorders.

    This plant  dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow. 


    • 1 teaspoon ginkgo biloba (5 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • Scald the cabbage with boiling water and then let it steep for 10 minutes, covered.
    • Then pour through a sieve to remove the solids.


    • Drink 2 cups of it daily.

    4. Polei mint for tinnitus

    The anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects of mint can also help if the ringing in the ears is  caused by stress or nervousness. This herb also works against palpitations.


    • 1 tablespoon of mint (15 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • Pour boiling water over the mint.
    • Then leave covered for 10 minutes and strain.


    • Drink up to two cups a day until you feel better.

    5. Basil for tinnitus

    Basil for tinnitus

    The natural juice of the basil leaves is anti-inflammatory and can be  very useful against unpleasant noises in the ears caused by irritation of the ear canals. 


    • 10 fresh basil leaves
    • 2 tablespoons of water (30 ml)


    • Crush the basil leaves until the natural juice escapes. Dilute this with a little water.


    • Moisten some cotton wool with this liquid and put it in your ear.
    • Let this home remedy work for several hours and repeat twice a day.

    Do you often suffer from tinnitus? See a doctor to determine the cause  and, if necessary, start treatment.

    Noises in the ears are often caused by excessive stress or the consumption of stimulants such as coffee!

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