5 Healthy Morning Rituals

If you start the day healthy, you are more efficient and can cope with your everyday tasks more easily. 

5 healthy morning rituals

Healthy  morning rituals  are very important to start the day with energy and drive and to be able to fulfill the daily obligations and tasks satisfactorily.

In today’s article you will therefore find various tips that you can easily put into practice.

As soon as you wake up, you can start activating your body: stretch out and stretch yourself while you are still in bed to wake up and prepare for daily activities.

You can also  release muscle tension and enjoy the last few minutes in a warm bed. Then you can immediately put various healthy  morning rituals  into practice in order to be more efficient and start the day with momentum.

You will have more energy available and can also have a positive effect on your health.

Healthy morning rituals

1. Massage the ears in the morning

Healthy morning rituals: massage the ears

There are many nerve endings in the ears that are connected to the rest of the body. That is why it is worthwhile to massage your ears in the morning  .

You can do this in bed to activate your organism and put you in a good mood. With a quick massage you can get your  blood flowing and wake up faster! 

2. Water with lemon!

We have recommended this simple home remedy several times. You supply your organism with fluids and can activate various organ functions.

Immediately after getting up, drink a glass of water with lemon juice  on an empty stomach  to activate your digestive system. You can also use it to care for the liver, intestines and intestinal flora!

With the lemon water, pollutants are expelled from the body and  the immune system is also strengthened –  you too can benefit from all these advantages!

Simply squeeze a quarter or half a lemon and mix with a glass of lukewarm water. Drink this mixture daily 20 to 30 minutes before breakfast.

3. Cleansing the tongue

Healthy morning rituals: cleaning the tongue

If you want to introduce healthy morning rituals into your everyday life, you should not only clean your teeth, but also your tongue regularly.

Cleaning the tongue is often forgotten, but it is very important for health. Immediately after brushing your teeth, you can use it to eliminate bacteria and prevent unpleasant bad breath. Use a gentle toothbrush or a special tongue cleaner for this.

An excellent habit for preventing plaque, tooth decay and other ailments!

4. Honey as a healthy morning ritual

Honey has numerous benefits. This can, among other things, stimulate the memory,  because this bee product contains important vitamins and minerals.

Honey can not only help with colds and coughs!

To improve memory, you can simply take a spoonful of honey every morning  , 10 to 15 minutes before breakfast!

Pay attention to the quality of the honey! If the pure honey is too sweet for you, you can also dissolve it in water or milk, the effect is the same. Some even sweeten the first cup of coffee with honey.

5. Mouthwash with hydrogen peroxide

Healthy morning rituals: mouthwash

You have already cleaned your teeth and tongue and can now complete your oral hygiene with a mouth rinse. We  recommend a solution with hydrogen peroxide for this.

Simply mix 5 to 7 drops of hydrogen peroxide (3%) with half a liter of water and rinse your mouth with it. In this way you can prevent bad breath, prevent diseases of the gums and also whiten your teeth.

You can easily introduce these healthy morning rituals into your everyday life to start the day fit, healthy and full of energy!

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