5 Foods To Improve General Health

This group of foods includes chocolate and green tea, which are now known by many as real miracle cures due to the numerous active ingredients they contain.

5 foods to improve general health

For some foods that were previously considered harmful, numerous studies have found that this is not the case. They can   improve general health.

On the contrary, some even have many health-promoting properties and can provide preventive measures against various diseases and improve general health .

This group of foods includes chocolate and green tea, which are now referred to by many as real miracle cures due to the numerous active ingredients they contain .

But there are also other foods in this group that are highly recommended, but whose health-promoting effects are not yet well known.

Popcorn – good for your general health

A group of scientists from the University of Scranton, Pennsylvania found that corn popcorn is high in concentrated antioxidants because it contains very little water.

Note, however, that prepackaged microwave popcorn contains a lot of sugar, salt and butter or other fats and is therefore high in calories and not as healthy. It is best to use natural popcorn made the traditional way.

black tea

Black tea is also very beneficial for our health, as has been shown in various studies.

As a result of one of these studies, it was found that consuming 3 cups of black tea a day reduced the likelihood of heart disease by 70%.  

It is also known that at least 2 cups of black tea per day improves alertness and brain performance.

Coffee for general health

Coffee helps keep the body energized throughout the day . A 2012 study found that coffee can also help with cancer prevention. Don’t overdo it with this delicious drink, however, as it could negatively affect your nervous system.

This study also shows that people who drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day are almost 50% less likely to develop mouth or throat cancer.

Chicken eggs

It has long been thought that eggs are unhealthy because they cause high cholesterol levels. Many scientists have since refuted this.

Eggs are very beneficial for our health due to the high content of folic acid, calcium, iron and selenium. They are characterized by great nutritional value and can be safely included in our nutrition plan.

Eggs are filling and contain choline, an organic compound that is very important for our memory and brain performance. Eggs also help with liver detoxification.


In 2011, researchers at the University of Copenhagen carried out a study on the connection between cheese consumption and high cholesterol levels.

It found that people who ate more cheese did not automatically have lower cholesterol levels. On the contrary, after these people consumed less butter and more cheese, their cholesterol levels even improved.

The scientists attribute this to the fact that cheese contains many calcium-binding proteins, which help regulate bad cholesterol in the body.

You should therefore not overdo it with the cheese , do not forget that this dairy product is very fatty and should therefore not be consumed in excessive quantities.

Make sure you have a balanced diet to improve your general health.

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