5 Foods That Could Help Lower Cholesterol

It is important to consult your doctor before (natural) treatments (such as the Tibetan garlic cure). 

5 foods that could help lower cholesterol

High cholesterol also means an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. But what can  help lower cholesterol ?

If you are overweight, have bad habits such as tobacco or alcohol, an unbalanced diet and genetic predisposition, the risk increases.

In this post, you will find 5 foods that  could help you lower your  cholesterol .

Canary seeds to lower cholesterol

This is not about bird food but about a medicinal plant that has become very popular in recent years due to its excellent effects. These seeds can help regulate blood pressure and lipid levels. This medicinal plant also helps against inflammation.

Canary seeds can also regulate liver and pancreas functions. Today, however, we recommend this plant to help reduce cholesterol levels. This ability is due to the lypases, which are enzymes that are contained in this medicinal plant.

We recommend canary seed milk to reap the benefits of this plant.

  • To do this, the seeds are soaked in water overnight.
  • The next day then process with water in a blender or blender.
  • Then sieve.
  • You can  drink one glass of canary seed milk on an empty stomach  and then another glass in the evening before going to bed.


Carrots can help with high cholesterol for the following reasons:

  • They are rich in beta-carotene, which stimulates the production of vitamin A. This antioxidant improves the synthesis of good HDL cholesterol and also  reduces bad LDL cholesterol.
  • Carrots contain valuable fiber, which is very important for lowering cholesterol levels. Dietary fiber flushes out cholesterol and then makes it easier to pass through the intestines.

    We recommend carrot salad.

    Prepare a salad of two raw organic carrots every day. You can simply rub these and serve with olive oil, lemon, or apple cider vinegar. Carrots also taste great in combination with other vegetables. Don’t forget: be economical with salt.

    Carrots for high cholesterol levels


    Oats are one of your health’s best friends as long as you are not gluten intolerant.

    In particular, the high  fiber content makes this cereal so valuable. Soluble fiber reduces LDL cholesterol,  as we mentioned in the carrot benefits.

    There are many products that contain oats – for example cookies and other sweets – but these usually also contain large amounts of sugar, white flour and trans fats, which raise cholesterol levels.

    We recommend a nutritious breakfast.

    Cooked or raw oatmeal (if digested well) are ideal for breakfast. In combination with yoghurt or plant-based milk and fresh fruit, dried fruit or seeds, these are also very nutritious and healthy.


    Garlic has been used as a remedy for various ailments since ancient times. It not only reduces cholesterol – but also triglyceride levels,  both of which are closely related.

    We recommend raw garlic on an empty stomach.

    But not everyone can digest garlic well and of course it can leave behind an unpleasant bad breath, which is not necessarily pleasant for the social environment.

    • If you experience discomfort with raw garlic, you can switch to garlic capsules.
    • Otherwise, it is advisable to eat a toe every day on an empty stomach: best pressed on a slice of wholemeal toasted bread with a little olive oil.
    • We also recommend the Tibetan Garlic Cure.
    Garlic against high cholesterol levels


    This exotic, aromatic and hot root has numerous health benefits and should therefore not be missing in any kitchen.

    Ginger contains antioxidants that help reduce cholesterol levels and prevent clogging of the arteries. This can prevent blood clots and also improve blood circulation in general.

    You can use ginger raw, grated in salads, in teas, or as a seasoning for various dishes.

    We recommend ginger juice or a mixed drink with other fruits or vegetables.

    So you can benefit from all the benefits of ginger every morning.

    An excellent combination is apple, carrot, and ginger. You can also mix this root with pineapple, papaya, fresh mint, banana, pear, red fruits, etc.

    Ginger against high cholesterol levels

    If you are taking medication for high cholesterol or other diseases, it is important to consult your doctor  before (natural) treatments (such as the Tibetan garlic cure). 

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