5 Exercises For Strong Knees

You don’t have to worry that these exercises will damage your knees, on the contrary: You can use them to strengthen the knee joints and other areas of the body!

5 exercises for strong knees

The knee joints are very complex, which is why complaints, pain or injuries often develop, especially in adulthood. In today’s post you will find several  exercises for strong knees that  can be very useful in this case.

While the knee joints are protected by ligaments, tendons, and synovial fluid, overexertion and repetitive movement patterns  can lead to wear and tear and discomfort as you get older. 

Inflammations often develop, which impair the ability to move, which over time can also have a negative effect on everyday life.

While there are medical treatments available to relieve the pain,  as always, preventative care is the best medicine. Healthy lifestyle habits and  exercises for strong knees are important. 

You can easily do these exercises for strong knees at home, but you should stick to them to get all the benefits.

Exercises for strong knees

1. Step aerobics

Step aerobics and other exercises for strong knees

In the fitness center, step aerobics is performed with a special stepper. Alternatively, you can use a bench or other stable surface at home.

This exercise involves natural movements that are used  to strengthen and lubricate the knees.

How is this exercise performed?

  • Stand on a stepper, bench, sturdy box or stool, or simply on a staircase.
  • You are now going up and down as if you were going up stairs.
  • Lift one knee at a time to your chest, hold yourself in this position for 2 seconds and then go back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other leg and continue alternately.
  • Do 3 series of 15 repetitions each.

2. Lunge

The lunge is a popular exercise for training the legs and buttocks because it strengthens the muscles in this area of ​​the body.

This exercise is also ideal for strong knees. 

How is this exercise performed?

  • Stand upright on the floor with your back straight, neck straight, arms at the sides of your body.
  • Now take a big step forward and bend your knee, but it shouldn’t protrude past the tips of your toes.
  • The other leg is stretched back so that the knee almost touches the floor.
  • Then go back to the starting position.
  • Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each side.

3. knee to chest

Exercises for strong knees

This exercise is also great for strengthening your knees. You can also use it to train the abdomen and lumbar area and reduce pain. 

How is this exercise performed?

  • Lie on your back on a mat on the floor. The body forms a straight line, the arms are at the sides of the upper body.
  • Then bend your knees and bring them to your chest as far as possible.
  • You can pull both knees towards your chest at the same time or alternate between them.
  • Hold this position for 5 seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • Do 3 to 4 sets of 15 repetitions each.

4. Stretches for the quadriceps

With these exercises for strong knees, you can train the four-headed hamstrings and strengthen the knee joint.

How is this exercise performed?

  • You stand up straight with your back straight and look ahead.
  • Lift your heel up, hold your ankle with one hand, making sure that both knees are in contact.
  • The other hand is on the side of the body or against a wall to make it easier to balance.
  • Remain in this position for 10 seconds, take a short break and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  • Do 3 series of 12 repetitions each.

5. Squats

Squats and other exercises for strong knees

You probably know squats from school. It is an excellent exercise for strong legs and a well-trained bottom. However, you can also use it to strengthen your knees.

How is this exercise performed?

  • You stand upright on the floor with your legs shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent.
  • Extend your arms forward and bend your knees as if you were sitting in a chair.
  • Remain in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position with a gentle movement.
  • When crouching, make sure that your knees do not protrude past the tips of your toes.
  • Do 3 sets of 12 or 15 repetitions each.

Your knees ache Are you afraid of wear and tear or injuries? Then we recommend that you practice these exercises for strong knees on a regular basis. You don’t need any equipment for this and you don’t have to go to the gym.

With these exercises for strong knees you can improve your mobility and strength and train other muscle groups at the same time.

Do the exercises correctly  to avoid injuries or discomfort!

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