5 Common Mistakes When Getting Up

Take a lukewarm shower to get going in the morning. It is advisable to finish this with cold water!

5 common mistakes when standing up

The alarm goes off – a new day begins. The morning routine is often hectic: Get out of bed and into the shower quickly, have a quick meal (if you have time), get dressed and go to work. Various mistakes when getting up do not only have a negative effect on the day, but also on your health over time.

In this post, we analyze 5 common mistakes when standing up . Because with the right morning routine, even those grumpy in the morning can start the new day with vitality and energy.

1. Get up quickly

Error getting up: Getting up quickly

Two bad habits are a high-pitched alarm clock and getting up immediately after the bell rings. After  6 – 8 hours of sleep in a horizontal position,  you should take your time and prepare your body for the new day. Getting up quickly makes many dizzy. Here are a few simple tips:

  • Wake up calmly, as if this moment was a relaxation ritual.
  • Set the alarm 10 minutes earlier than usual and choose quiet music instead of a high pitched tone. The classic beeping sound is also not recommended.
  • Slowly sit up in bed, inhale and exhale deeply for two minutes.
  • Begin to straighten and stretch your arms and bring your hands up over your head.
  • Twist and stretch the neck slowly, with gentle movements.
  • Take another deep breath and then comfortably get up.

2. Big mistake: going to work without breakfast

Error getting up: No breakfast

You have to look after the children, get them to school and still be on time at work. Breakfast, shower, getting dressed, walking the dog … the day begins with many tasks and obligations. Sometimes there is hardly any time left for breakfast. However, skipping breakfast is a big mistake when getting up!

  • You’d better get up a little earlier  to have enough time. A calm start to the day and time for breakfast is very important!
  • In addition, many people drink a large cup of coffee first … and then nothing more. This is also a mistake. Start the day with a glass of lukewarm water with a squirt of lemon juice. After 15 to 20 minutes – which you can use for the shower, for example – it is time for breakfast. Now you can have a coffee – fiber and fruit shouldn’t be missing either! This provides your body with the nutrients it needs to start the day with energy and vitality.

    3. Keep your eyes open – cell phone in hand

    Mistake when getting up: Pick up the cell phone immediately

    Do you check out the new messages on your phone right after you wake up? Take some time for yourself – you still have the whole day to socialize or reply to your friends. Enjoy the morning quiet without technological devices!

    Get up, drink lemon water, take a shower, have breakfast with the window open and enjoy the fresh air!

    4. A shower of hot water

    Mistake when getting up: take a hot shower

    Hot water is very pleasant, but not necessarily helpful, especially in the morning. A hot shower is a mistake when getting up because the body needs to be  activated,  lukewarm (or cold!) Water is far better for this. Start the shower with lukewarm water at the beginning and then rinse yourself briefly with cold water, especially your legs.

    Cold water on the calves  prevents tired and swollen legs. The blood circulation is stimulated and you will feel good and get going. The best thing to do is to try it out first thing in the morning!

    5. Leaving the house in a bad mood

    Failure to get up: Bad mood

    A long working day is waiting for you and you leave the house stressed and worried? Are you already thinking in the morning how you should best get through this day? Negative thoughts close the door to well-being  and reduce the quality of life, we are usually not even aware of them.

    If you do everything in a bad mood and do not appreciate important things, everything is much more difficult and performance is significantly reduced. Observe yourself tomorrow. Try to have positive thoughts and go out of the house happy. Here you can find different ideas:

    • Today will be a good day, everything will be easy and quick for me.
    • I will enjoy everything I do, leave the house relaxed and consciously enjoy the walk to the office by observing the people, the shop windows and the parks.
    • I will consciously pay attention to the good sides of my work colleagues and my boss.
    • I will do my best at work.  I will be proud of myself.
    • After work, I’ll treat myself to a little something: a coffee in beautiful surroundings, a short walk through the park, a meeting with someone I’ve wanted to see again for a long time …

    Try to avoid morning mistakes and start the day with a positive routine – simple things and  optimism  will make things easier and you will feel happier and fulfilled.

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