4 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches Without Insecticides

Cockroaches are gross, but with these natural tips you can keep them away.

4 tips on how to get rid of cockroaches without insecticides

This little insect usually triggers very uncomfortable feelings and disgust. But you can easily get  rid of cockroaches without using insecticides. If you want to know how, read this article.

Roaches can be found all over the world. S he have almost become a nuisance: they hide in inaccessible places and multiply very quickly.

They prefer to stay in damp, dark and dirty places.  In particular, they like to hide behind the refrigerator or washing machine, but stoves and furniture are also popular places to stay. These insects are almost blind and use their antennae to orient themselves.

For this reason, many take precautionary measures to prevent them from entering the home in the first place. Fortunately, there are natural remedies you can use to get  rid of cockroaches without using insecticides .

Dangers of cockroaches in the apartment

It’s not just panic or excessive cleanliness. Cockroaches are indeed a threat to our health. The main dangers are as follows:

    • They transmit diseases : they are carriers of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, eggs and fungi and can transmit diseases such as gastrointestinal inflammation, salmonella, leptospirosis, cholera, food poisoning and typhoid.
    • They contaminate food because there are bacteria on their legs; this is very important as they are often in the kitchen looking for food.
    • Your feces can cause allergic reactions such as hives, sneezing, and tearing.
Scare away cockroaches without insecticides and dangers from cockroaches

How to get rid of cockroaches without insecticides

Now we finally come to the central part of the article. We’ll share with you some natural ways you can get rid of cockroaches without using insecticides. These are not only natural, but also cheaper. The advantage is that, unlike the chemicals, they are not toxic or harmful to health.

1. Lavender flowers

The aromatic lavender flowers protect against cockroaches. You can just put them where you found the bugs. 

Of course, it’s especially important that you clean these nooks and crannies well for this method to be effective. This also applies to all the others we describe here.

2. Baking soda and sugar

Soda is a real miracle weapon. Mixing a cup of baking soda with a cup of sugar and spreading this mixture around the house can repel cockroaches without using insecticides.

The explanation is simple: the sugar attracts them; then the baking soda produces gases in your body that are deadly to you.

3. Lemon balm

An overall very effective plant that not only keeps cockroaches away, but also mosquitoes and other insects. It’s easy to use, just follow the steps below:

  • Put some lemon balm oil on cotton pads.
  • Place the pads in places where the cockroaches can hang out.

    Another option: mix half a cup of water with 5 drops of cypress essential oil and 10 drops of mint oil; then spray on the places where the cockroaches are.

    4. Borax

    Borax can be used for a wide variety of household purposes and is also useful for driving away cockroaches. How? Simply apply to the places where the insects are staying. Contact will make them dry out and die. 

    5. Kieselguhr

    The final method that you can use to deter cockroaches without the use of insecticides is diatomaceous earth. This is an effective organic element that can also help against other pests in the house.

    Use kieselguhr to deter cockroaches without insecticides

    Basically, kieselguhr has the same effect as borax and dries out the insects. The best part, however, is that you can safely store this near food.

    The way it works is simple: you just have to sprinkle it on the ground. Another option is to fill a sock with the product. You then rub it into the corresponding surfaces.

    Don’t forget to keep certain products, such as flour, grains, sugar, cheese, leather, and plant scraps, especially safe to keep cockroaches away.

    clean home and these tips will help you deter cockroaches without using insecticides. You can sleep peacefully again without dreaming of bugs in the kitchen.

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