4 Foods That Change The Face

Even if you do not have celiac disease, gluten can cause pimples or swelling on your face, as gluten sensitivity may be present.

4 foods that will change your face

Different foods can change the  face,  even if we are often not aware of it. Not only can they lead to pimples or unsightly skin, they can also lead to swelling.

Then we will introduce you to 4 foods that can change your  face  .

1. Wine can change your face

Wine can change your face

Wine drinkers often not only develop  wrinkles earlier, but also spots on the bridge of the nose. The wrinkles often appear under the eyes, and the eyelids are very often swollen.

But that’s not all: Those who drink too much alcohol also tend to have dry, red skin and dilated pores.

This is due to the fact that alcoholic beverages contain a lot of sugar. Wine is usually also contaminated with pesticides and sulphites. All of these facts lead to dehydration of the body.

The liver has to work harder when you drink alcohol and stomach problems often occur the next day. All of this has a wide variety of negative effects on the organism and  , among other things, leads to wrinkled, sagging and reddened skin. 

Excessive alcohol consumption over a long period of time  can also affect the intestinal flora  and lead to many other diseases.

To fix the problem, avoid drinking alcohol for at least 3 weeks to allow your skin to recover. It is best to avoid alcoholic drinks as much as possible afterwards.

2. Milk can change your face

Milk can change your face

People who consume a lot of milk or dairy products can usually read this on their faces. This often leads to dark circles under the eyes and swollen eyelids. Pimples in the chin area can also indicate this. 

Even if there is no lactose intolerance, milk can change the color of the skin.

This is due to the fact that as you get older you have  fewer digestive enzymes available to digest lactose. This does not mean that you cannot tolerate the lactose at all, but the effects can be seen on the face, for example.

If your face is puffy and your skin is white, you can try avoiding dairy products for a few weeks to see if this is the cause.

3. Sugar can change your face

Sugar can change your face

Even if you consume a lot of sugar, this is usually noticeable on the face. This often leads to deep wrinkles in the upper face area, bags under the eyes, thin and pale skin and acne.

Sugar should only be consumed in small amounts so that one does not gain weight, but also because it affects the condition of the skin.

Sugar is the basis for the process of glycation, which means that sugar reacts chemically with proteins or lipids. In the skin, this particularly affects collagen and elastin, proteins that ensure firm, elastic and young skin.

This  accelerates skin aging  and leads to the early formation of wrinkles and changes in pigmentation.

If you want to show off healthy, glowing skin, avoid sugar as much as possible and opt for healthier alternatives.

4. Gluten can change your face

Gluten can change your face

Too much gluten is not only harmful to people with celiac disease. The face of people who consume a lot of gluten is very often  marked by pimples on the forehead, cheeks or chin. Red cheeks and a puffy face can also indicate this.

If you see these signs, you should get examined to determine if you have gluten sensitivity.

The protein gluten can be found in the following cereals:

  • wheat
  • rye
  • oats
  • barley

In addition, gluten can also be found here:

  • beer
  • whiskey
  • vodka

If you suspect gluten sensitivity or intolerance, you can easily check this by avoiding all gluten-containing foods for 2 to 3 weeks. If the complexion improves, gluten is likely the cause.

However, if no improvement is seen, another food intolerance could be behind it.

Don’t forget that you can also lose weight more easily if you avoid easily digestible carbohydrates and white flour products as much as possible.

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