3 Natural Remedies That Could Help Against Muscle Pain

Rosemary oil is very effective in relieving tension, activating blood circulation and reducing inflammation. The combination with magnesium sulfate is excellent for a relaxing bath.

3 Natural Remedies That Might Help For Muscle Pain

What helps against muscle pain ? They are very common, with ligaments, tendons, and joints often also being affected.

The cause of the  muscle pain is usually an overload. Tension caused by stress or inappropriate postures or staying in the same position for a long time are decisive factors.

If the pain occurs more intensely and is continuous, so that everyday life is severely impaired, it could be fibromyalgia.

Regardless of the cause, you should see a doctor who can make a correct diagnosis and then initiate treatment. In addition, the following 3 remedies can alleviate discomfort.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be found in almost every kitchen. It contains a lot of potassium and other valuable ingredients that relax the muscles. This is why apple cider vinegar can also be used for muscle pain relief.


  • 200 ml of water
  • 50 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 5 g coarse salt


  • Cotton cloth or glove

Preparation and use

  • Warm the water until it is comfortable for your skin and then pour it into a bowl.
  • Then transfer the vinegar to another bowl.
  • Then use the cloth to moisten the painful area with the warm water and then apply the apple cider vinegar. Then the salt is applied.
  • The aim is to perform a reactivating massage by first applying the warm water, then vinegar and finally salt. You will then feel instant relief.

Rosamine oil and magnesium sulfate for muscle pain

Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium sulfate is used to relax muscles and can also be very helpful with a warm bath.

The combination of magnesium sulphate with rosemary oil has an excellent effect on muscle inflammation, to improve blood circulation and to relax the critical zones, which are usually located on the neck and back.

Magnesium sulfate and rosemary oil are quickly absorbed by the skin, so that all muscle groups feel quick relaxation.

Use it to prepare this simple remedy:


  • Fill the bathtub with warm water.
  • Then add 200 g of magnesium sulfate, 5 sprigs of rosemary or 20 drops of rosemary oil.
  • Then enjoy this relaxation bath. Then after 20 minutes you will notice a great deal of relief from the affected muscles.

Therapy pillow

Seed pillow

Warm therapy pillows filled with spices, seeds and other natural products have long been used to treat muscle pain.

Warm peppercorns, sesame or cinnamon, and lavender are natural relaxants that can reduce inflammation and discomfort.

You need?

  • 1 medium-sized cotton bag
  • 100 g peppercorns
  • 50 g sesame seeds
  • 100 g buckwheat
  • 100 g chickpeas
  • cinnamon
  • lavender

Preparation and use

Mix all the products in the bag and close it by sewing the opening so that no grains fall out.

In the case of muscle pain, this bag is heated in the microwave and then placed on the affected area. The results of this simple remedy can be felt immediately.

Therapy pillows can also be used for menstrual cramps and other pain. Simply warm it up and then place it on the affected area.

If you don’t want to make this pillow yourself, you can find many types of therapy pillows in the market, such as: B. Cherry stone pillows, seed pillows, etc.

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