11 Tips To Make Your Make-up Last Longer

If you want your lipstick to last all day, you can apply powder to your made-up lips.

11 tips to make your make-up last longer

In the mornings, many spend a long time in front of the mirror every day to leave the house with the perfect make-up. However, the makeup does not last all day due to various influencing factors. But what can you do to  make make-up  last longer?

Sweat and environmental influences mean that the make-up does not last as long as you would like and at the end of the day not much of it remains.

With various cosmetic tips you can ensure that your make-up stays beautiful longer. You can find out more about it here. You will be amazed!

1. Wash your face thoroughly


Before you start applying make-up, you should wash your face thoroughly with a neutral soap and water.

This first step is important in removing imperfections on the surface of the skin. In this way you achieve a more even makeup on the skin.

2. Apply moisturizer

The use of a moisturizing face cream is essential so that the make-up lasts better and longer.

This forms a protective film on the skin of the face and prevents the chemical substances from affecting the natural skin oils.

3. Use a good primer

Make up

The foundation is very often used to reduce excess shine on the skin as well as  to make makeup more durable.

Regular application reduces the pores and also prevents the accumulation of impurities and blackheads.

4. Prefer loose powder

Use loose powder to seal in your makeup. This is carefully spread over the skin with a brush. Do not rub the brush over the skin, just dab the powder on.

Wait a few seconds and remove the excess powder with a soft cloth or brush.

5. Waterproof products


Waterproof mascara, eye shadow, etc. are perfect for oily skin or excessive sweat, as they do not have to be constantly touched up and last for many hours.

However, the skin should take a few days to recover from these products from time to time, as the chemical ingredients can be harsh.

6. Long lasting lipstick

Nowadays, the cosmetics industry offers numerous long-lasting  lipsticks that adapt to different needs. These products usually have intense colors that create a nice effect.

As an alternative, you can use a conventional lipstick and set it in place with loose powder.

7. Paint over the eyeliner

Make up eye

If you want your eyeliner to last longer, just apply a little powder. Wait a few seconds and use the eyeliner to draw  a line over it again to achieve the desired effect.

8. Cream blush

Creamy blush is easier to apply and lasts much longer than the regular powdery blush.

As you apply it, be sure to distribute the blush well to make it look more natural.

9. Choose cosmetics that adapt to your skin type


For oily skin, powders without oil additives should be preferred. Creamy make-up is recommended for combination skin and dry skin.

10. Less make-up is more

Many women mistakenly believe that multiple layers of makeup will last longer. However, stylists advise applying a fine layer as it will adhere better.

Excess makeup flakes off and comes off faster, making the skin look unattractive.

11. Don’t forget the tonic


One of the best products for setting foundation and makeup is a facial tonic.

It is best to use the toner before applying make-up. You can then use a pollinator to apply it several times a day. Carefully dab off excess liquid with a cloth.

As you can see, these basic rules for perfect and long-lasting makeup are very easy to use, you don’t need an expert.

These tips can help you look perfect all day

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