11 Home Remedies For Smelly Armpits

Did you know that lettuce can help get rid of the bacteria that lead to smelly armpits? It refreshes the skin areas, which can be particularly helpful when there is irritation in this area.

11 home remedies for smelly armpits

When it’s hot outside, you’re on the move, or you’re wearing tight clothes, you’re more likely to sweat. Then the need for a home remedy for smelly armpits quickly arises .

Wet skin, stained clothes and the smell of sweat can be very unpleasant. Therefore, today we recommend various  home remedies for smelly armpits .

Try them out!

How to get rid of smelly armpits

Sweat odor is very unpleasant and can also be embarrassing. To prevent this, the development of the causative bacteria must be  stopped.

If you don’t want to use deodorant or antiperspirant that is full of chemicals and skin-irritating substances, we recommend the following home remedies for smelly armpits:

1. Antibacterial soap as a home remedy for smelly armpits

antibacterial soap as a home remedy for smelly armpits

It is very important to maintain armpit hygiene and it can be helpful to clean them with antibacterial soap several times a day.

We do not recommend using perfumed soaps as they can have the same effect as deodorants.

A very good option is a natural soap. Don’t forget to dry your armpits thoroughly afterwards to avoid the formation of a musty smell.

  • If you’re looking for a natural soap, buy one that contains goat and almond milk. Herbs like marigold and lavender are also recommended.

    2. hydrogen peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide is so versatile that everyone should have a bottle of it at home.

    It can be used not only as first aid for grazes or cuts, but also to get rid of odors under the armpits or on the feet.

    This remedy can even help remove stains caused by deodorant or sweat.

    How to use

    • Take a cotton ball, soak it in hydrogen peroxide, and use it to rub your armpits after you shower.

    3. Salad

    Salad as a home remedy for smelly armpits

    Salad not only serves as an excellent deodorant that eliminates unwanted bacteria in the armpit area, it also has a calming effect ( ideal for people with sensitive or irritated skin).

     How is lettuce used?

    • Wash two lettuce leaves thoroughly and  place them under the two dried armpits after you shower.
    • Keep the two lettuce leaves there until they are around room temperature. Don’t rinse your armpits afterwards.

    4. Vinegar

    Since the unpleasant smell under the armpits is caused by the development of bacteria,  vinegar is  very helpful as it has an antibacterial effect. Only use this home remedy in the evening because the smell is not so pleasant.

    How is this home remedy used?

    • Apply some vinegar to the affected areas of skin with a cotton ball.
    • The next morning, wash your armpits with plenty of water and antibacterial soap.

    5. Lemon

    Lemons as a home remedy for smelly armpits

    The acids in lemon not only clean the armpit area, but also  fight unwanted odors caused by bacteria. 

    How is lemon used?

    • Cut a lemon in half and rub a lemon half into each armpit. Wait 15 minutes before rinsing it off with plenty of warm water.
    • If the skin burns after coming into contact with the lemon, it could be due to an irritation in that area of ​​the body. If this happens, rinse your armpits immediately with plenty of water.
    • Repeat this application  every evening. Keep in mind that lemon juice reacts with sunlight and spots can form on the skin! So only use this home remedy in the evening when you no longer have to go out.

    6. Potato slices

    Potato slices can also be used successfully against body odor and problems with sweaty armpits.

    How is this home remedy used?

    • Simply cut a potato into medium-sized slices (about 1-2 cm wide) and pinch them under your armpits.
    • They stay there for 20 minutes or until the slices are dry.

    7. Soda

    Soda as a home remedy for smelly armpits

    Baking soda is your best friend when it comes to your health and beauty.

    How is this home remedy used?

    • Replace talcum powder with baking soda.
    • After you’ve dried yourself off thoroughly after showering, apply a little baking soda to your armpits and let the agent work there overnight.
    • The next morning, rinse it off with plenty of warm water and wash the armpits with antibacterial soap.
    • You can also make a baking soda paste by mixing the powder with a little water and applying it. Then rinse the paste off with plenty of warm water after 20 minutes.

    8. Corn starch

    Corn starch has a similar effect to baking soda  and is sometimes even more effective at absorbing sweat.

    How is corn starch used?

    • Mix equal parts cornstarch with baking soda and  apply the product to your armpits every evening.
    • It can act there until the next morning.

    9. Tea tree oil

    Tea tree oil as a home remedy for smelly armpits

    This essential oil is known for its great antibacterial and antifungal agents.

    In combination with lavender oil (in equal parts) this home remedy smells wonderful and makes bad smells disappear.

    Apply this combination  every morning and after every shower.

    10. Aloe vera

    Aloe vera shouldn’t be missing from this list. This plant is very versatile and also helps against armpit sweat,  especially in the warm season. 

    How is aloe vera used?

    • It’s very simple: cut open an aloe leaf and use the gel it contains on your armpits.
    • Let it take effect. The gel does not need to be rinsed off and gives an immediate feeling of freshness.

    11. Sage

    Sage is also a versatile medicinal plant that is very helpful in the case of excessive sweating.

    How is sage used?

    • You can use the essential oil directly or make a sage tea. Apply the oil or tea with a cotton ball after you shower and let the home remedy dry.

    Try these home remedies for smelly armpits yourself to convince yourself of their effectiveness!

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