10 Ways To Use Soap You Didn’t Know Before

Did you know you can use soap to lubricate a squeaky drawer or door? All you have to do is apply a little bit of it to the rails or hinges. 

10 Ways Soap You Didn't Know Before

Soap is available in every household because it can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Soap is typically used for cleaning the body or for various household cleaning purposes.

There are numerous designs and formulations for specific uses.

But it is not just a versatile cleaning agent,  soap can also make many other tasks easier.

In today’s article, we’re going to introduce you to 10 different uses that can be very useful in everyday life.
Read on to find out more!

1. Soap: Protection against paint stains


You can use some damp soap to  protect door frames or window frames  when painting the walls. Don’t forget to rub it in well on locks and hinges to prevent stains!

2. It is easier to drive nails into the wall

Can’t drive a nail into the wall without hitting your thumb? You can solve this problem quickly and easily with a little soap. 

  • Moisten the soap, rub it into the nail, and then hammer it into the wall.

A great trick!

3. Detect gas leak

Gas leak

An unnoticed gas leak can be very dangerous.

  • If you get the smell of gas,  you can mix soap and water and apply this product to the suspicious spot on the gas pipe.
  • If bubbles form, gas will leak at this point. You should be very careful in this case!

4. Lubricate the drawer rails

Some drawers squeak or can no longer be gently pulled out or closed. Soap can help here too  . Simply use it to lubricate the rails.

  • Moisten the soap and rub it on the rails to make the drawer easier to move.

5. Remove adhesive residue

Sticky residue

You have freshly papered the wall and then found some sticky residue? You can easily remove these so they don’t ruin all of your work.

  • Mix together soap and warm water and use it to rub off the adhesive. Use a gentle sponge to do this.

6. Lubricate squeaky doors

Squeaky doors are a nuisance, but this problem is easy to fix.

You can use lubricating oil to do this, but the easiest way to do this is to use  a bar of soap to prevent the unpleasant noises. 

  • Prepare some soapy water and use it to rub the hinges of the door. It’s best to use an old toothbrush for this. You will immediately achieve the desired result.

7. Clean fingernails


When you garden, soil will build up under your fingernails. But did you know that you can easily prevent that?

  • Rub some liquid soap under your fingernails  before you start gardening. This is how you can prevent them from being completely black afterwards.

8. Polish the joints

If you notice a small crack in the wall, you can purchase a specialty product to fill the crack. So that this is not so noticeable and the wall looks nicer, you can use soap at the end.

  • Wet a small bar of soap with water and  use it to buff the edges of the product to make the wall look nicer. 

However, you must not wait until the agent used dries, because then you will no longer achieve the desired results.

9. Soften leather shoes

Leather shoes

It doesn’t work with all shoes, but sometimes soap can be very helpful in softening leather if it is uncomfortable to wear on the foot. 

  • Simply rub the inside of the leather with a bar of soap and then wait a few hours. After that, the shoes will be much more comfortable.

This trick is also useful for stretching leather shoes that are too narrow.

10. Remove stains

There are numerous chemical products on the market to treat and remove difficult-to-remove stains from laundry.

The chemicals are not only harmful to textiles, but also to health and the environment.

You can easily use  soap to remove the stains. 

  • Rub the stain directly from below with white soap until the stain can then be gently removed.

    We hope you find these tips useful. If you know of any other interesting uses for soap, feel free to share them with us.

    Cover picture kindly provided by © wikiHow.com

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