10 Tips To Prevent Varicose Veins

Sport keeps you fit and promotes your health. Regular exercise is also essential in the fight against obesity. This also improves blood circulation and you can prevent varicose veins.

10 tips to prevent varicose veins

Varicose veins are often a cosmetic problem, but they are not always harmless. Varicose veins can lead to chronic venous failure, phlebitis and thrombosis! Complications can even cause a pulmonary embolism, which is why prevention against varicose veins is  twice as worthwhile  .

Not only can you show off beautiful legs, but you can also protect your health!

Pay attention to healthy lifestyle habits in the  prevention of varicose veins,  especially if the veins are already dilated, because this can prevent serious complications.
Not all risk factors can be controlled, but the following tips will help you reduce  the risk. 

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins, also known as varices, are dilated veins that are particularly common on the surface of the legs. This can be recognized by bluish, tortuous blood vessels that may look unsightly but are initially harmless.

Only in advanced cases do various problems arise, e.g. water retention in the tissue, skin ulcers or in some cases more serious complications.

Varicose veins can appear in any area of ​​the body, but can usually be seen on the legs, as these are often overloaded by certain postures and lifestyle habits.

The reddish or bluish veins form tangles and coils that can be seen at first glance and are therefore considered by many to be a cosmetic problem.

What causes can trigger varicose veins?

Prevention against varicose veins

Varicose veins can develop at any age, but they  mostly occur in adult women.

Genetic factors are often responsible for the vein sacs on the legs, for example a hereditary wall weakness of the veins. But other factors also often play an important role:

  • Obesity
  • pregnancy
  • Poor posture when walking or sitting
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Congenital disorder of the venous valves

The tendency towards varicose veins increases with age.

Symptoms caused by varicose veins

Not only does the visible change in the veins indicate a problem, other symptoms may also appear that indicate possible complications:

  • Pain and heaviness in the legs
  • Burning, cramping and swelling of the legs
  • Itching around the affected veins
  • Bleeding of the varicose veins
  • Skin changes and hardening of the veins

10 effective tips to prevent varicose veins

As always, pre-roe is the best medicine here. Therefore, change unhealthy habits to prevent varicose veins.

These tips can help you prevent varicose veins.

1. Avoid staying in the same position for a long time

Prevent varicose veins through correct sitting posture

If you have to sit for a long time for professional or other reasons,  you should at least keep changing and optimizing your sting posture. Also, get up briefly to stretch your legs and move your feet under the table to get the venous pump going.

If you stay in the same position for a long time, your blood circulation will suffer and this will encourage the appearance of varicose veins.

2. Cold water shower as a preventive measure against varicose veins

You can stimulate blood circulation with cold showers. A warm shower is certainly more pleasant and relaxing, but cold water has more advantages. You can start with a cold shower on your legs to gradually get used to the cold water.

3. The right dress size!

If you wear clothing that is too tight, it will obstruct venous return, which increases the risk of varicose veins. Close-fitting jeans in particular can trigger varicose veins if they are worn for a long time.

  • Opt  for loose-fitting clothing that does not put pressure on the body. 

4. Avoid exposure to heat

Prevention against varicose veins for beautiful legs

Heat can lead to poor circulation and fluid retention. If you want to avoid varicose veins, protect yourself from prolonged exposure to the sun and, in general, from excessive heat.

5. Compression stockings

Compression stumps are a therapeutic measure that can help improve drainage and prevent circulatory disorders.

6. High heels only for special occasions

They look elegant and attractive, but  high heels lead to heavy legs and increase the risk of spider veins and varicose veins.

7. Exercise!

Sport and exercise as a preventive measure against varicose veins

Any type of physical activity has beneficial effects on blood circulation. As a preventive measure against varicose veins, you should exercise enough daily. Whether at home, in the fitness center or in the great outdoors: exercise is fundamental!

8. Improve your diet

A healthy diet is essential to optimize blood flow despite increasing age.

  • Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy fatty acids ensure a balanced, healthy cardiovascular system.

9. Avoid being overweight

If you have weight problems, the best thing to do is to speak to a nutritionist who can help you achieve a healthy weight.

Miracle diets and other extreme measures can harm your health!

10. Drink herbal tea!

Herbal tea as a preventive measure against varicose veins

Medicinal teas with certain medicinal herbs can  stimulate the lymphatic system and the circulation  and remove harmful substances from the organism. This is also very important in the prevention of varicose veins.

In addition to all of these tips, you can use topical treatments to reduce leg swelling and promote blood circulation.

Make sure it doesn’t get that far, because once the varicose veins are there, treatment is far more complicated.

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