10 Time-saving Tips For Cleaning The Kitchen

Cleaning is a hassle, but with the right tips it’s faster and easier!

10 time-saving tips for cleaning the kitchen

Cleaning is not really your favorite task in the kitchen, but hygiene is particularly important there. With our tips you can certainly save some time cleaning and still keep your kitchen clean!

Cleaning with chemistry?

There are, of course, various products available in stores that are specially sold for this or that task in everyday cleaning.

However, if you read through the ingredients carefully and compare them, for example using a search engine on the Internet, you will find that it is usually just a combination of surfactants against fat and acids against lime and mold.

You can also make this yourself – with significantly lower health risks. But try our tips, which will also help you to save chemistry and money!

Clean the cutting board

Clean cutting boards

In the course of its life, a wooden cutting board gets many grooves, cracks and depressions in which food residues and thus bacteria can accumulate.

The dish sponge is usually ineffective, but there is a simple trick: rub the cutting board with salt that you have moistened with lemon juice. This will get you into the last cracks and the lemon juice will also cleanse.

Rinse the blender

Immediately after using the stand mixer or blender, the time is right to clean it. If you wait for it, residue will dry on and crust over. That just makes cleaning unnecessarily difficult.

Immediately after using, pour warm water with a few drops of dish soap and run the blender. Rinse well – done!

Clean the oven

Clean the oven

You don’t need an aggressive and expensive oven cleaner! With a mixture of washing soda and hot water, you can also easily loosen incrustations and grease!

Important: The water must be hot for washing soda to work! Washing soda is also very suitable for cleaning grill grids and other greasy objects.

Clean cast iron pans

Anyone who owns a cast iron pan knows that you must not clean it with aggressive agents. A little coarse salt, which you rub in with paper, will clean it of coarse dirt, so that you only need very hot water to rinse off afterwards.

Use the salt cleaning when the pan is still warm and the fat is still soft!

Clean the cheese grater

Rinse the cheese grater

Food residues tend to get stuck in the holes of a kitchen grater and are difficult to remove with the sponge. However, a coarse brush like the one from the vegetables helps quickly !

Clean trash can

If the garbage can stinks, it’s because you didn’t take out the garbage in time and in the warmth of your kitchen the garbage has developed into a nice residential complex for odor-causing bacteria.

Rub the trash can generously with pure vinegar and let it dry. The vinegar kills the bacteria and thus drives away the stench.

Rice for cleaning

Clean the pepper mill

Over time, the pepper mill will build up a lot that you might not want in your food. If you can’t take them apart to clean the parts individually, roughly remove the stuck dirt from the outside with a brush and then add rice grains.

Grind the rice grains with the grinder until you are satisfied with the cleaning result. Then you can fill in the pepper again!

Don’t forget your microwave plate!

The plate in your microwave is usually not the cleanest. Spilled food quickly becomes encrusted there. If you then put a pot or plate in the microwave, you then distribute the dirt and bacteria everywhere you put the container down. So remember to wash the microwave plate regularly!

Clean cutlery

Washing soda can also help against incrustations on grill utensils, spatulas and other heavily used cutlery! Simply soak such parts in hot water with washing soda and they will be cleaned as if by magic!

Microwave cleaning

Microwave clean

In the microwave, the food splashes onto the inside of the housing when it is heated and happily there. The next time they are heated, they crust and stick together.

To dissolve them, place a bowl of vinegar or lemon water in it and heat it so that hot steam soaks the interior of the microwave for a few minutes. Then you can easily remove the dirt.

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