10 Surprising Reasons For Dry Skin

Various health problems can hide behind dry skin. Find out more about this topic today.

10 surprising reasons for dry skin

Dry skin is not just a question of aesthetics. It can also be a symptom of an imbalance in the body. Sometimes the problem is easily resolved, but sometimes an illness is the cause and should be treated urgently to prevent more serious health problems in the future. Learn more about the reasons behind dry skin today  .

Dry skin

Dry skin is often a sign of a lack of moisture or moisture. It quickly looks dull and flaky. This skin type is much more prone to wrinkles or stretch marks than others because the skin’s elasticity is often closely related to how well hydrated it is.

While the most straightforward treatment for dry skin is, of course, applying nourishing and moisturizing creams and lotions, keep in mind that this is simply removing the symptom. Sometimes dry skin is a sign of a more serious health problem.

Find out with us today which  reasons are very often responsible for dry skin in  order to avoid further complications.

10 reasons for dry skin

In the following, we will introduce you to 10 factors that can have an impact on your skin.

1. Lack of moisture

Lack of moisture and other reasons for dry skin

Dry skin is often a sign that you are not drinking enough water. You should drink at least one to two liters of water a day. Try to eat this mainly on an empty stomach and between meals. Adjust your water intake based on the season, age, and lifestyle.

This simple habit is an effective way to avoid dry skin. In addition, your entire body benefits from regular water intake. So you will feel better overall.

2. Low-fat diet that also lacks healthy fats

Fat is vital, it just depends on the type and amount. In addition to other important functions, healthy fats nourish the skin from the inside and supply it with moisture and important nutrients. They are therefore important for a firm, well-groomed and generally healthy appearance.

The following belong to the group of healthy fats: 

  • olive oil
  • Coconut oil 
  • nuts
  • Seeds
  • avocado
  • Ghee
  • Oily fish

These can be used to replace harmful fats in your diet. Avoid foods that contain high levels of harmful fats, such as manufactured pastries, fried foods, sweets, cold cuts, etc.

3. Excessive consumption of salt

Excessive consumption of salt is a common cause of dry skin

If you eat a balanced diet but overdo it with the salt, it can also be causing your skin to be dry.

Too much salt unbalances the body’s fluid balance and can dehydrate from the inside out.

4. Too much sun

If you expose your skin to the sun too often and for too long, it dries out and can show signs of aging prematurely over time.

While the sun is generally good for your skin, you shouldn’t overdo it. It is better to sunbathe the skin regularly, but only for a short time. In no case longer than 30 minutes!

A lotion with aloe vera is very beneficial for the skin after sunbathing, because it provides it with moisture and stimulates cell regeneration.

5. Thyroid problems

A malfunction of the thyroid gland often leads to dry skin

When the skin is dry, there is sometimes a thyroid malfunction as well.

People who suffer from hypothyroidism often cannot keep their skin hydrated enough despite daily care. In these cases, the only way to treat the problem is to regulate thyroid function.

6. Weak lungs

Among other things, the lungs are responsible for keeping our skin hydrated. This is another reason why you should pay attention to your breathing. Shallow breathing can affect your skin as well. Try to breathe deeply, and most importantly, properly to prevent this problem.

Time in the fresh air is also good for your lungs! Treat yourself to regular excursions into nature and enjoy the unpolluted air.

7. Excess acid

Excess acid can also be a cause of dry skin

A body with too much acid is more likely to suffer from disease and more prone to dry skin.

Base-forming foods help you to restore the acid-base balance. Green leafy vegetables are particularly recommended. Your diet should also include natural juices, smoothies and salads.

8. Intestinal Permeability

This intestinal disorder is closely related to diet and emotional state. One of the symptoms of bowel permeability is dry skin. Include probiotics in your diet every day 

9. Vitamin C deficiency

Dry skin can be a symptom of vitamin C deficiency

Vitamin C should definitely not be missing in your diet if you want wrinkle-free, well-hydrated skin!

In addition to eating foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, peppers, guava, red fruits, parsley, etc.), you can also support your body with vitamin C supplements.

10. Cosmetic abuse

Don’t forget that poor quality cosmetics or excessive use of chemical products can damage your skin. Over time, the complexion can deteriorate dramatically. Dry skin and skin damage occur.

If possible, always use natural products that gently and gently care for the skin.

You now know some reasons for dry skin and can avoid them!

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