10 Possible Uses Of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties and therefore helps with acne. In addition, this plant has the ability to regenerate the skin and thus reduce possible acne scars.

10 ways aloe vera can be used

Aloe Vera is ideal for a wide variety of home remedies. This plant can be used both internally and externally. Below you will learn more about different uses of aloe vera.

10 ways aloe vera can be used

1. Home remedies for the skin

One of the most common uses for aloe vera is in skin care. This versatile plant can be used, for example, for burns or for better wound healing,  as the gel improves the scarring process and the blood circulation around the wound. 

2. Relief from constipation


The resin of the aloe vera has a laxative and intestinal cleansing effect. It is recommended to use this only for a short time, otherwise the effect is lost. 

3. Helps with discomfort in the mouth

The aloe vera gel brings quick relief for small, infected wounds, gingivitis or stomatitis. Puree the aloe, then apply it to the sores in the mouth. The gel should be in direct contact with the wounds. 

4. Helps with intestinal problems


If you have stomach upset, you can use the following recipe to treat stomach burns. Mix honey, orange juice, a spoonful of aloe vera juice, and a glass of water, then drink this drink daily before breakfast on an empty stomach.

5. Helps with acne

Aloe Vera has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and is therefore highly recommended for acne. Use soap, cream, and toner with aloe vera every morning and evening.

Not only does this help against pimples, it can also help regulate the skin’s fat balance. You can also use aloe gel to soothe pimple swelling.

Aloe helps in healing and regenerating the skin after the pimples are gone.  

6. Aloe Vera cares for the skin against cellulite


Since aloe vera has excellent properties for the skin, this plant is also widely used against cellulite.

It should be mentioned that aloe vera alone will not bring about any major changes unless appropriate exercises, a balanced diet and regular massages are carried out.

7. Good for your hair

Aloe Vera prevents drying out, for example with a hairdryer or straightening iron, regulates the fat and helps to silky, shiny hair.

8. Helps against dandruff


If you wash your hair with aloe vera, the dandruff will fall off. After that, all you have to do is brush the hair to remove it. Repeat this treatment several times and you will see excellent results.

9. For relaxation

Aloe Vera has a relaxing effect on the muscles and the head. When washing your hair with aloe, massage your scalp gently with it to relieve stress and calm you down.

10. To lose weight

lose weight

Aloe Vera has a cleansing effect and is therefore also good for losing weight. When you mix this plant with lemon juice, you get an excellent cleansing and detoxifying agent. The following drink is highly recommended:

  • 1 medium-sized aloe vera leaf, cut, without thorns
  • 1 spoon of honey
  • Juice of one lemon

Chop all the ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous juice is produced, sieve this and then drink it on an empty stomach immediately after getting up.

For even better results, you should also pay attention to a healthy diet and sufficient exercise (at least three times a week). 

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