10 Plants That Can Provide Positive Energy

Many plants are said to promote positive energy and have the ability to prevent negative effects. 

10 plants that can provide positive energy

Plants are important decorative and decorative elements: at home, in the office or in shops, they create a fresh, natural ambience. But that’s not all. They can also provide positive energy.

Many plants are credited with promoting positive energy and having the ability to prevent negative effects. 

Experts on the topic assert that certain plants exude good energy and well-being. Of course we are talking about living plants, which you should take care of accordingly. Below we list 10 plants that attract positive energy.


Cacti are popular and very decorative both at home and in any office This plant does not require intensive care.

They should have the ability to keep out envy, intruders, bad people or hypocrites and to absorb bad electromagnetic energies (from household appliances).

Green mint


Spearmint has numerous health-promoting properties and is also said to protect against bad wishes and envious people. Fresh mint is the plant of wellbeing, promotes positive energy and is also said to attract financial prosperity.


Bamboo is fashionable as a decoration, it not only looks beautiful and modern, but is also said to attract good energies.

It symbolizes growth and water and ensures purity, transparency and life. This plant is said  to bring well-being and calm into the house and keep envy away. 


jasmine tea drink


Jasmine is known as the couple’s plant as it is believed to promote spiritual relationships. This plant is recommended in those rooms that are shared with the partner  as it attracts positive energy and strengthens relationships.


Rosemary contains numerous medicinal ingredients that have long been used in many cultures. This medicinal herb is also known as the plant of honest love and happiness.

Not only fresh rosemary plants, but also dried twigs are recommended in the various rooms to attract loyalty and happiness.



Peppermint also has excellent healing properties that help with various ailments. This plant not only promotes health, it also creates a positive atmosphere.

It should neutralize bad vibrations  and also help with sleep disorders. Peppermint is also said to make for better communication.


Thyme has been used for energetic cleansing since ancient times. This medicinal plant is known for its cleansing properties and is also said to work against bad energies and nightmares .

It should also improve self-confidence. A thyme plant protects the home and its occupants.


This plant is known for its beauty and is a source of well-being at home. It is supposed to make you happy and in a good mood and is therefore good if there are frequent discussions or arguments.

The chrysanthemum ensures a relaxed life.



Eucalyptus is also said to derive negative energy, which then usually emanates from jealous, ill-intentioned people. This is why these plants are particularly recommended in offices, because  they also bring prosperity. Eucalyptus also ensures better sleep and has a cleansing effect.

Aloe Vera for positive energy

This plant is used in rituals against bad luck and envy, it is said to be excellent against negative energy. Aloe Vera is also said to  attract wealth and good energies. 

Many believe that if an aloe plant can attract luck, it will grow and thrive. However, when the plant dies, it has absorbed too much negative energy, protecting the residents.

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