10 Foods That Fight Infectious Diseases

By adding certain foods to our diet, we can support our immune system in fighting infections and many other diseases.

10 foods that fight infectious diseases

If the immune system is weakened, an infection can quickly occur. That is why today we are introducing you to various foods that you  can use to fight infectious diseases .  

Which foods have a preventive effect and can fight infectious diseases?

To avoid diseases and infections in all seasons, we recommend that you supplement your diet with the following foods:

1. Ginger

Fight infectious diseases with ginger

Fight colds with ginger. This sharp root strengthens the body’s defenses and has an antibacterial and antibiotic effect That’s why you can use it to fight colds and sore throats.

Ginger can be consumed in a variety of ways in small quantities, whether as a tea or grated in various dishes (e.g. salad). You can get even better results with honey.

2. yogurt

This dairy product contains many beneficial bacteria (probiotics) that can counteract yeast infections. Such infections occur when the balance between good and bad bacteria in the body is upset.

Whether for breakfast or as a snack in between, by consuming yogurt you can enjoy all its benefits. For a quick recovery , we recommend Greek natural yogurt without added sugar or flavorings.

3. Fermented foods

Fight infections with fermented foods

In this category you will find foods like kefir and sauerkraut. Some canned foods such as pickled cucumbers or olives are also fermented foods.

  • Similar to yogurt, they all contain probiotics.
  • Digestive enzymes and vitamins are produced during fermentation. Consumption can reduce inflammation and allow the body to detoxify.

4. Garlic

Garlic is a so-called superfood that is characterized by many health-promoting properties. The white tuber is a natural  antibiotic and is therefore effective against a wide variety of diseases.  Use garlic externally or internally, preferably always raw.

The substances responsible for the known taste can effectively fight viruses, bacteria, yeasts and other infectious diseases.

5. cinnamon

fight infectious diseases with cinnamon

This delicious spice is often used to flavor coffee and pastries. Cinnamon contains important antioxidants, fiber and minerals like calcium, iron and magnesium.

  • A pinch of cinnamon every day is perfect for strengthening the immune system.
  • In addition, we can enjoy the antifungal and antibacterial properties of cinnamon.
  • This spice is also recommended for inflammatory diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatism and diabetes.

6. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin C used to fight viral and bacterial infectious diseases.

Also yeast infections can be eliminated with the help of this fruit. They accelerate the healing process as bacterial pathogens can be repelled.

We recommend an increased consumption of grapefruit and other citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons. Especially if you often get sick with temperature fluctuations and at the beginning of winter.

But other fruits that have a high vitamin C content, such as kiwi and strawberries, can also help.

7. Turmeric

Fight infectious diseases with turmeric

Similar to cinnamon, this yellow spice used in many rice dishes in traditional Indian cooking can reduce inflammation.

The main component curcumin promotes the health of bones and joints and is therefore particularly suitable for people who suffer from osteoarthritis.

Turmeric can also support liver health. Remember that a sick liver makes you susceptible to a variety of diseases.

8. Whole grains

In contrast to white, refined types of grain, whole grains do not cause inflammation in the body, so the risk of disease is reduced.

Whole grains contain all natural nutrients and have a low glycemic index. This can prevent blood sugar levels from rising.

In the case of poor blood sugar levels, viruses, bacteria and yeasts can access the body and multiply.

9. Green leafy vegetables

Fight infectious diseases with green vegetables

Swiss chard, spinach and lettuce are great allies when it comes to boosting the immune system and avoiding disease.

To get the most out of them, leafy vegetables should be eaten raw as much as possible.

10. Berries

In addition to their bright colors, berries are also rich in nutrients. Berries are very diverse, you can benefit from the following varieties, for example:

  • Blueberries
  • Cherries
  • Raspberries
  • Gooseberries
  • Sour cherries
  • Blackberries

These fruits are small but fine and very nutritious. Picked from bushes, they contain polyphenols, phytochemicals, and flavonoids that help strengthen your defenses.

A handful a day for breakfast, as a snack or dessert will help keep colds away.

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