10 Foods That Are Good For Women

As American scientists discovered in a large-scale study, these protect against breast cancer.

10 foods that women are good for

Most of the time you hear or read about foods that you shouldn’t eat because they are too sweet, too salty, too fat – too unhealthy. But it also works the other way around! We have put together 10 foods for you that are particularly health-promoting (and also delicious!) For women.

10 foods that women are good for


Carrots contain carotenoids, which are the yellow and orange plant pigments. As American scientists found out in a large-scale study, these protect against breast cancer.

To do this, however, you have to eat 2 servings a day. This is of course very easy with a large glass of carrot juice or with a combination of different types of fruit and vegetables that are colored yellow or orange.



“An Apple a day keeps the doctor away” – everyone knows this wisdom. And there’s something to it: Studies have found that polyphenols (a type of secondary plant substance) protect against colon cancer.

There are a particularly large number of polyphenols in fresh, crunchy apples, for example. So let’s go and take a bite!


Dairy products

Dairy products include quark, yogurt and cheese. These are rich in natural calcium. Women have an increased need for the bone-strengthening mineral to prevent osteoporosis.

Two servings of dairy products a day already contain a good portion of calcium. But watch out! Many dairy products such as hard cheese, cream, creme fraiche and others contain a lot of fat, so that the health-promoting effect is quickly turned into the opposite!

Dairy products are therefore only sensible and healthy if they are low-fat or low-fat!



More precisely: the egg yolk. It has its color because it contains the two yellow pigments, lutein and zeaxanthin. And they accumulate in your macula, the spot of sharpest vision, where they then fend off harmful free radicals.

Eggs delay the onset of the very common age-related macular degeneration, in which those affected have poor vision in the center of the field of vision.

Since an egg has up to 7g of fat, you shouldn’t overdo it with the eggs any more than with the dairy products, because too much animal fat is anything but healthy …



Fish is healthy, no question about it! But there are fish that are healthier than others! The healthy thing about fish is the omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart. The fatter the fish, the more it contains. But which fish are fat?

Quite simply: the colder the water it swims in, the fatter the fish! Salmon, mackerel, herring, and halibut are good examples.

Fish from warm waters have few such fats and therefore also a low content of omega-3 fatty acids. One example is the cheap edible fish catfish or pangasius, which unfortunately are included in more and more ready meals and are being offered on the fish menu by more and more restaurants.



Some vegetables contain phytoestrogens that are very similar to the human hormone estrogen. Many women swear by it, especially during menopause.

Studies show that in countries where many products containing phytoestrogens are eaten, women experience fewer menopausal symptoms. The best source of phytoestrogens is soybean.

Soy milk, soy yoghurt and tofu are examples of delicious products that are particularly healthy for women. But also sprouted sprouts of legumes such as beans, peas and lentils contain phytoestrogens! How about a few fresh sprouts in the salad?


Green leafy vegetables

Women who want to become pregnant or who are already pregnant should make sure they have enough folic acid. Those who take in enough folic acid with food (and also with tablets) enable the unborn child to develop well.

There is a particularly high amount of folic acid in whole grain products, nuts and green leafy vegetables, but also in broccoli. Delicious, isn’t it?



Bladder infections are a typical ailment for women . These are often caused by inadequate drinking. Water retention can also result from not drinking enough.

Water is the best drink: calorie-free, available everywhere, as mineral water rich in minerals and ideal for the body. It keeps your blood flowing nicely and ensures that all cells in your body are supplied with important substances!

Whole grain rice

whole grain products

Whole grain products such as whole grain rice, whole grain bread or whole wheat pasta ensure that your blood sugar level rises slowly during and after a meal and falls just as slowly.

This will fill you up for a long time and you have no reason to grab snacks between meals. This saves calories and is also healthy for your intestines thanks to the fiber contained in whole grain products – and can even lower your cholesterol level!

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